Alleged cat abuse at Henderson, cat's stomach split open and guts spilling out

Alleged cat abuse at Henderson, cat's stomach split open and guts spilling out

Two videos were posted by Facebook page, Cats of Redhill showing a suspected case of cat abuse with a cat having its stomach split open with guts spilling out. 
The videos were taken at Blk 92 Henderson on 18 Feb (Sat) by one of the residents.
The Facebook page which is run by community cat caretakers and volunteers noted that the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ (SPCA) had retrieved the cat and the duty vet at SPCA sent the cat to an outside clinic.
Bonita (not her real name) who took the video said that the first video was taken at 10.15 am and the second video of the cat was taken at 11.20am when SPCA arrived.
She said that she saw a blood trail along the corridor outside of her unit and that was why she went out to take a look. After finding the wounded cat, she decided to take the video of the incident as she did not know what to do during the spur of the moment.
When asked about her reaction to what had happened to the cat, she said, “Of course it was a tremendously shocking & heartbreaking sight to see a living thing being wounded that bad.”
She added that she and her husband covered the cat with a blanket as she started to shiver. They also provided her water but it then vomited on the cup.
She said, “I think this act is totally inhuman, ruthless & tyrannical (this is if done by a human)” and noted that she had never heard of such incidents before.
Cats of Redhill wrote, “Two to three months ago, I heard from the Henderson cat feeder that one of her community cats was slashed, the guts flowed out and the cat died. There are similarities in both cat abuse cases.”
A member of public, Fizah Samsudin wrote in the comments of the video, “I just saw this cat last friday just outside my house, so pity the cat! So skinny and very hungry so we feed the cat even the cat came in to my house, skali today i saw this video, so upset my youngest kid likes the cat so much! Manusia kejam, tk berhati perut! Get rid of this mental disorder human being!”
The page noted that there is over 100 cats in the Redhill neighbourhood. Most of them are dumped out by irresponsible owners. There are almost 30 cats at the three Henderson blocks and carpark/bin center.
A report has been made to the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) and the volunteers are appealing for witnesses on the case. To contact Cats of Redhill, drop a message to them at their Facebook page or contact AVA directly.
Warning- Graphical Video


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