Mother gives birth in taxi on way to routine check at hospital

Mother gives birth in taxi on way to routine check at hospital

Mr Mohamad Nazaruddin, an SMRT taxi driver, had an extraordinary experience when a baby was born in his taxi upon what was initially a trip for a routine check-up for pregnant women.
Mr Mohamad welcomed a couple, Mdm Ma.elena del Rosario Ortiz and Mr Hamid, on his taxi on Monday (30 January) who asked to be driven to a hospital. During the trip, he noticed that Mdm Elena was in pain and decided to drive them to the nearest hospital.
However, Mdm Elena gave birth in the taxi, before they reached the hospital.
Mr Mohamad remained calm and advised Mr Hamid, Mdm Ma.elena’s husband, on what he had to do to ensure the baby was fine.
Upon arrival at the hospital, Mr Mohamad immediately got help from the nurses, and waived the taxi fare for Mr and Mrs Hamid.
Mdm Elena said, “This is such an unforgettable and remarkable experience. I feel shocked and also overjoyed that my baby girl was born in a taxi. My husband and I would like to thank Mr Mohammad for doing a good job to take care of our baby and reassure us that the baby is fine. It was very well done.”
While, Mr Mohamad said, “I’m lost for words. I’m glad that I’m able to help them in terms of giving them advice on what to do with the baby and ensuring that the baby is safe. I feel great about being part of this amazing journey with the parents. I hope that the family will be happy and joyous and wish them all the best.”

Source : SMRT Facebook page.
Source : SMRT Facebook page.
Source : SMRT Facebook page.
Source : SMRT Facebook page.
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