Energy-efficient and remote controlled LED street lighting system to be used by 2022

Energy-efficient and remote controlled LED street lighting system to be used by 2022

Street lights to be converted to LED island-wide, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) informed on a 3 Jan press release.
A more energy-efficient lighting system which is more responsive to weather changes will be used on the island roads by 2022, LTA stated.
LTA has been implementing energy-efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LED) for the street lights since 2013, and now will extend this technology to all street lights island-wide.

A medium-powered LED street lights trial at Northumberland Road / photo: LTA
A medium-powered LED street lights trial at Northumberland Road / photo: LTA
LTA will also replace the existing timer-based street lighting system with a Remote Control and Monitoring System (RCMS) to allow the system to be more responsive to weather changes. At present, street lights operate at pre-programmed seasonal sunrise and sunset timings. With the RCMS, LTA can remotely switch street lights on and off in response to varying street lighting needs.
The RCMS will also enable LTA to have a more responsive and efficient maintenance regime as it features automated fault detection and alert capabilities.
LTA said LED street lights are about 25 per cent more energy-efficient than current street lighting. In addition, LED lighting is more reliable and requires less frequent replacement. This helps conserve energy and reduce maintenance and manpower costs.
LED lighting requires less maintenance compared to the current High Pressure Sodium Vapour (HPSV) lighting as the components can last an average of 10 years compared to HPSV lamps, which require replacement every three years in order to achieve the required lighting output.
LTA has installed LED lighting for approximately 4,000 street lights since 2014.
Trial for medium-powered LED street lights at Tekka Lane / photo: LTA
Trial for medium-powered LED street lights at Tekka Lane / photo: LTA
Trial for high-powered LED street lights at West Coast Highway / photo: LTA
Trial for high-powered LED street lights at West Coast Highway / photo: LTA
LTA will be calling tenders to replace all 25,000 street lights in the Central Area with LED street lights by 2019. Street lights in all other areas will be replaced with LED lighting by 2022.
Table source: LTA
Table source: LTA
Furthermore, LTA informed, besides the RCMS the Government Technology Agency will leverage LTA’s smart lighting infrastructure to test the feasibility of deploying a shared network for low bandwidth wireless sensors.
As part of Smart Nation initiative, interconnected lampposts are envisioned to be a key part of the national sensor communications network. Besides tapping on the existing public lighting infrastructure, this trial will involve the private sector working with the government and enable smart, connected sensors and objects to deliver more efficient and smarter services to benefit citizens, the press release wrote.

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