SCDF issues alert on companies selling fire extinguishers and first aid kit in its name

SCDF issues alert on companies selling fire extinguishers and first aid kit in its name

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) has said that it received public feedback about companies claiming to be endorsed by the SCDF to sell fire extinguishers and/ or first aid kits.

In a Facebook post, SCDF said that in some cases, insistent ‘hard-sell’ techniques were used to get the public to purchase their products. Sales personnel were also reported to be wearing lanyards to give the impression that they were representatives from a government organisation.

SCDF stated that it is not involved in any sales of fire extinguishers and first aid kits and it has also not authorised any company to conduct such activities on its behalf.

It alerts members of the public to exercise caution when dealing with such persons or companies.

SCDF reminds that it is a standard procedure for SCDF personnel on official duties to display their warrant card, NS Identity Card or letter of authorisation, as proof of authentication. SCDF personnel will not compel residents to purchase fire extinguishers and first aid kits for their households.

It said, “While it is encouraged for each household to be equipped with a fire extinguisher and first aid kit, it is not mandatory and residents will not be fined by SCDF for not having these items at home.”

“Members of the public are advised to lodge a police report for cases involving the impersonation of SCDF officers or unauthorised business activities,” it added.


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