GovtTech warns of scam attempts in offering cash in exchange for SingPass account details

GovtTech warns of scam attempts in offering cash in exchange for SingPass account details

Government Technology Agency of Singapore (GovTech) has announced on its Facebook page that there is a new scam attempt in which a few members of the public approached by individuals who claimed they were from the Government, and had been offered cash in exchange for their SingPass account details and 2-Step Verification (2FA) passwords.

Source : GovTech Facebook page.
Source : GovTech Facebook page.

GovTech stressed that the government officers will not ask for your confidential information including SingPass passwords, nor provide monetary incentive in exchange for them.

“We have advised affected individuals to lodge a police report,” it said.

Citizens and residents of Singapore are issued with a SingPass account to access services such as Central Provident Fund account and other government portals, and contains sensitive personal information.

Therefore, it is important that one does not disclose his or her SingPass username, password and 2FA details (SMS or Token One-Time Passwords), less risking sensitive information being leaked or unauthorized transactions being carried out.

GovTech suggests members of the public who are aware of any suspicious activity relating to SingPass to inform the police and contact GovTech at [email protected].


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