SMU opens its first full sports scholarship, named ‘Yip Pin Xiu Scholarship’

SMU opens its first full sports scholarship, named ‘Yip Pin Xiu Scholarship’

The Singapore Management University (SMU) opened its first full sports scholarship named ‘Yip Pin Xiu Scholarship,’ at SMU’s 3rd Leadership Symposium on Tuesday (6 Dec), in honour of the Paralympics gold medallist Yip Pin Xiu.

SMU said that the scholarship will start in August 2017 and it is opened to ‘outstanding Singaporean athletes who have gained admission to any SMU undergraduate program’.

This is a bond-free scholarship and SMU will give it to two awardees a year, consisting a full tuition fee waiver for four years and a ‘growth opportunities allowance’ that can be used for various personal development programs by the university, like seminars and exchange programs.

SMU Provost Professor Lily Kong said that the scholarship was named after Ms Yip to recognise her personal journey as a leader and role model.

“Pin Xiu has shown exemplary results in her sport of swimming despite the odds. She is not only an ambassador for sports, but a role-model and inspiration to all Singaporeans,” she said.

Prof Lily also said that she hopes the scholarship will benefit younger athletes by lessening their financial burden and providing them the support needed from the university.

Ms Yip is also an undergraduate at SMU. When asked for her comments for the event by Channel NewsAsia, she said she was ‘honored and happy’ to have the scholarship named after her.

“I hope this scholarship will give others the chance and motivation to pursue sporting excellence,” Ms Yip said.

Yip Pin Xiu Scholarship / photo: Mr Ted Choo’s Facebook post
Yip Pin Xiu Scholarship / photo: Mr Ted Choo’s Facebook post

Yip also told CNA that besides reducing the financial burden on student athletes, the scholarship shows greater recognition and support for athletes by the varsity. For instance, it would be easier for athletes who need to take time away from their studies to go for overseas training and competitions in the future.

Ted Choo, Head of Corporate Marketing of SMU’s Corporate Communications and Marketing, posted about the event on his Facebook.

Applications for the Yip Pin Xiu scholarship for 2017 are already opened on SMU’s website


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