MOE: P4 and S2 students continue to perform well in Maths and Science by international standards

MOE: P4 and S2 students continue to perform well in Maths and Science by international standards

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has stated that Singapore’s Primary 4 (P4) and Secondary 2 (S2) students continue to perform well in Mathematics and Science by international standards, according to the latest results of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).

The Ministry said that besides having content mastery, Singapore students are able to apply their knowledge and conceptual understanding to solve problems. These are important competencies that will place them on a strong footing for higher education and continuing learning throughout their lifetime. These results, in fact, have been consistent over a 20-year period, as borne out by successive cycles of TIMSS.

Ms Low Khah Gek, Deputy Director-General of Education (Schools), said, “We are proud of our students. Our teachers have provided quality learning experiences for them, and we are heartened that our teaching and learning systems are strong. But we will not rest on our laurels, just because we have received international kudos. MOE and schools will continue to work closely with parents and the larger community to further build on our students’ strong foundation and prepare them well for their next stage of education and for a fulfilling career ahead.”

Students who participated in TIMSS 2015 reported that they received good support from their school and home, and that both teachers and parents had helped nurture their interest and support their learning in mathematics and science.

MOE also said that P4 and S2 students continue to show a strong grasp of Mathematics and Science, making steady improvements in these subjects over time, especially in higher-order thinking skills. For example, in TIMSS 2015, our P4 and S2 students were better able to apply knowledge and skills, and solve non-routine Mathematics and Science problems, compared with TIMSS 2007. This reflects our curricular shifts towards a greater emphasis on such thinking skills over the years. In terms of overall Mathematics and Science prowess, our P4 and S2 students outperformed their peers from all other countries that participated in TIMSS 2015.

importance of learning Mathematics and Science, and the subjects’ usefulness to real

MOE noted that Singaporean students have positive attitudes towards learning the two subjects, with TIMSS 2015 showing that the students like and see value in studying them. The learning environment in both their home and school also contributed to such positive dispositions towards learning.

TIMSS has four international benchmarks describing what students know and can do at the “Low”, “Intermediate”, “High”, and “Advanced” levels of achievement. Results from TIMSS 2015 show that:

  • The proportion of the P4 and S2 students who did not attain the lowest (i.e., “Low”) international benchmark has remained very small in both subjects

Source : MOE.

  • Singapore continues to have relatively large proportions of P4 and S2 students who are highly competent in Mathematics and Science. In TIMSS 2015, at least half of our P4 and S2 students are deemed highly competent in Mathematics, attaining the “Advanced” benchmark, and about 4 in 10 are deemed highly competent in Science.

TIMSS is an international study that measures what students at Grade 4 and Grade 8 (equivalent to P4 and S2 respectively in Singapore) can do — understand, apply, and reason — in Mathematics and Science. TIMSS follows a four-year cycle and Singapore has participated in every cycle of TIMSS since its inception in 1995.

TIMSS 2015 involved 64 education systems and benchmarking entities. In Singapore, about 6,500 randomly selected P4 students from all primary schools and about 6,100 randomly selected S2 students from all secondary schools participated in TIMSS 2015. The student samples were subjected to strict audit by IEA and are deemed to be representative of Singapore’s student population at the respective grades. All results have been weighted accordingly to provide valid national-level estimates.

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