Netizens share their PSLE scores to show that results are secondary to one’s success in life

Netizens share their PSLE scores to show that results are secondary to one’s success in life

In light of the PSLE scores which was announced recently, one of the Facebook users, Khairudin Aljunied, wrote an amazing post to call for the contribution of personal stories from people about their PSLE scores and what they are doing now.

This move was an encouragement to young pupils  who do not score high. As well as to parents who are disappointed at their children achievements.

In a recent TODAY article that featured a mother who had her son going through PSLE, it was said that her son earned 229, lower than her mother’s expectation for him to score 230. The mother said that she did not give her son’s Nintendo back which was being confiscated in order to motivate him to work hard. Reactions to the mother’s action were mixed, some showing support to the mother while some said that the mother was too harsh.

Read: Co-founder of KiasuParents voices out on Today article in open letter

Spurred by the report, Mr Khairudin reminds young students, and their parents, that the score does not determine the future. He started the ball rolling by writing that his PSLE score was 221 and he is now an Associate Professor in a University.


As many as 1,202 comments were written by the time this article is being written. Here are some remarkable journeys, people have had :

  • Bryan Fang wrote, “SCORE 92 PSLE. EM3. Went to Tampines sec normal technical stream. Scored top for 4 years. Went to ITE Simei Scored Top 10 students. Went to Singapore Poly scored top 10% director honours. You can google my full name to prove what I said. Went to NTU became an average student. Now working, earning 3 times more than my peers. If you’re passionate and keen to join my workforce. Pm me. Giving you hopes and opportunities to be like me. Cheers and Take care. Life is not about education. Follow your passion and you will be successful. 🙂 PSLE: 92, SEC: As ITE: 4.0, POLY: 3.98, NTU: 3.33″
  • Nilam Masturah wrote, “PSLE 99, Normal technical stream, went ITE Clementi Nitec in office skills, higher Nitec in Business studies. Graduated from Ngee Ann poly with diploma in Business Studies. Working at NLB as a Senior Library Officer.
    The most important is your parents support and always believe you can, don’t give up!”
  • Dave Tung wrote, “PSLE 167. Now a business owner and also a Project Consultant.”
  • Vincent Chow wrote, “197. Went express, flunked then went normal academic. SIA pilot now.”
  • June Cha wrote, ” PSLE Score : 180.
    Went to N(A) in sec school. Manage to get L1R5 : 19 pts, but didn’t manage to get the course 1 wanted in poly, work for 1 year, went to RP with GPA 2.46. Now out in healthcare industry as a dy clinic manager. Getting low or not the grades that you wish for its not the end of the world…. Work hard and follow your dreams, you will definitely achieve goal in your life. Always stay positive. Grades do not determine your life .. To all parents : please do not pressure your kids to having the grades you wanted… Let them follow their dreams and live a happy childhood…”
  • Evelyn Chye wrote, “PSLE 198
    A gold medalist in Ngee Ann Polytechnic and obtained a first class honour in Heriot-Watt University in Edinbrugh.
    Currently a Leasing Manager with an international fashion company.
    I experienced disappointment due to my low score as to the stereotyped perception. Since then on, my studies just got better and I used myself as an example to motivate students.”
  • Sue-ann Tan wrote, “221, didn’t get into any of my 6 choices (all ‘top’ all-girls schools). My mum pulled me out of the sec school I was posted to because it was too ‘havoc’. I went to a seemingly better neighbourhood school where I ended up befriending minority groups, and there got the chance to grow in compassion and empathy for them. I’m glad I got to spend time with them because I learned to be street smart and understand that there is more to someone than an academic success, or their social/racial/financial standing.
    As far as accolades go, I would measure them not by my paycheck or how ‘high’ up the corporate ladder I have climbed. Rather, I value that I got the chance to start 3 businesses before the age of 27, take part in sports competitions as an adult even though I was never athletic in my youth, turned over a new leaf from bad choices in my life, and be a positive influence in the communities that I participate in today.”
  • Chuia Zhong Xian wrote, “I got 233. Got an advanced masters and am applying for PhD now,
    My friend had a score of 190 I believe. Barely passed his O Levels. Now doing a PhD in statistics in the UK.
    My brother was in EM3 and went into NT. He is now doing classical piano at a conservatoire in Paris.
    Life is not defined at 12 years old. Life is not even defined by results, by career, or by your achivements. The most important thing is to have interest(s), to work hard pursuing them, and have a joyful life pursuing it.”
  • Nur Lina Ahmad wrote, “184. Flunked in secondary school. But I believe in continuous learning; i stand right back up after each failure and try AGAIN. Did pvt o level (twice), took pvt dip, completed my degree and I’m graduating soon from NTU with Master in Education.
    Your PSLE score doesn’t define your success and happiness. Success is how you build your life.
    Happiness is the passion for your job with family around you.”
  • Patrick Tse wrote, “I had 228 in PSLE, and almost failed my A-levels. Worked hard in NS days and awarded 2 MINDEF scholarships (2002-2003) and graduated with a First Class Honours from NTU (2008). For all the parents out there, PSLE is just a small chapter of our lives, and it should just be a process, not the end state. Some kids are just late boomers and that doesn’t necessarily make them less capable in future – My 2 cents.”
  • Eddy Goh wrote, “MY PSLE SCORE WAS 234. I studied biotechnology at a top 10 University and completed my Ph.D. in Biochemistry also from the same University. I spent four years working in the best scientific Laboratories in Scotland and now am a senior researcher in neuroscience at NUS. NOBODY CARED WHAT MY PSLE SCORE WAS.”
  • Magdalene Robinson wrote, “My PSLE score was 199. Mum had to beg my secondary school to let me do the Normal 4 year express course.
    I have a bachelors degree in chemical engineering- working as a customer support manager in a German company in Sydney.
    No one here cares about my PSLE”
  • Brian Toh wrote, “Scored 98. Grandma congratulate me thinking was 98/100. Graduated from NTU and working in a MNC. Life is pretty awesome.”
  • Jeremy Sim wrote, “My PSLE score is 260. I am now a convicted felon.”
  • Sherla PJ Tan wrote, “188. I am an entrepreneur of two childcare centres in Singapore at the age of 29.”
  • Natasha Lynette wrote, “Got a lousy 182 for PSLE. No As, just 3 Bs and 1 C. Had no choice of secondary school except the one i was affiliated to. Entered Normal Academic. Graduated Sec 5 with top for Olevels & now i’m doing my Masters in International Political Economy in NTU. Everyone said there was no chances of me getting into a local uni but i think As long as you set your mind to it, you will achieve it!”
  • Christopher Isaac Boey wrote, “I attained a mere 184 for PSLE back in 2002. I was driven to do better.
    5 years in N(A) stream – the best time of my life. Learnt so much from teachers who actually cared. Did well for both N/O Levels – qualified for JC but chose the poly route instead.
    3 years in poly doing Chemical Engineering. I could finally see how important the fundamentals were. Graduated with a near perfect GPA of 3.94.
    Currently a final year student at NUS majoring in the same field but focusing more on pharmaceutical engineering. Secured a job with a manufacturing MNC.
    To the kids/parents who are discouraged by the results: screw that shit, it ain’t the end of the world.”
  • Alex Tang wrote, “I attained a score of only 178 for PSLE, it was a defining point of my life because it pushed me to do better and never accept failure again.
    Went to Normal Acad stream in Secondary School, got 5 points (Straight As) for Nlevels and 10 points or Olevels. Recently graduated from Temasek Polytechnic with a Diploma in Law and Management with Merit and a GPA of 3.88.
    Currently serving the nation but have already been accepted by NTU to pursue a degree in accounting.
    Your PSLE score does not define you, your perseverance does.”
  • Bin Fa Styles Chong wrote, “I don’t know you but we have a mutual friend, Ridjal Noor and I saw your news on Straits Time. Anyway….
    PSLE: 205
    Failed O’s the first time at 29 points.
    Got condemned by Vice Principal and Principal so I went private School to retake my O’s.
    Got 18 points and went to NP as the first batch of Multimedia Computing, graduated with GPA of 2.76.
    In University, SIM-RMIT, studied Business Management and graduate with 2.4 GPA.
    Now brand owner of Carnation Footcare Singapore and Carnation Footcare Malaysia and soon to be Indonesia and Cambodia.
    Scores aren’t everything. It’s a combination of EQ, IQ, willingness to learn and hardwork.”
  • Rahmat Jebon wrote,”Me a kampong boy whose house was without electricity, scored 186 for psle, for 1st batch express stream student,but failed English in secondary 1, and promoted to secondary 2 normal. But got school 2nd best in ‘N’ level, and passed ‘O’ level for pioneer batch of Yishun Junior College. Then managed to squeeze pass the ‘A’ level for degree course in Mechanical & Production Engineering in NTU. Got my Bachelor of Engineering in 1995, married in 1996, got my first child and current 4 room flat a year later. Worked as Engineer in in every sector of the industry (except aerospace). Had also run an IT service company, then switch career to finally work as Estate Manager in HDB. So don’t worry too much on your PSLE results. The path is still there for you to pursue.”
  • Kannan Renganathan wrote, “PSLE score 235. Graduated with honors in Medicine and now a practising medical doctor in Singapore, lecturer with NUS and Duke NUS. Looking at the bigger picture of life, score in PSLE doesn’t determine your potential to a very large extent!”
  • Belson Soh wrote, “107, was in EM3 stream in primary school. Went to normal technical in secondary school and went to Nitec and higher Nitec in ITE. Now currently studying in Diploma of banking and Finance in Nanyang poly. Never give up and persevere on!”
  • Chris Gan wrote, “PSLE 179 went into NA -> Retook O level 3 times -> ITE -> Temasek Poly -> UniSIM ( drop out ) -> Founder of 2 Businesses.
    My mum has never demanded me to score As. Just a pass will do. She watched me fell and get up by myself each time. She has always been there for me secretly and patiently.
    PSLE score does not determine one’s future. However the upbringing does. I’m really greatful for my mum’s intention.
    What’s most important are the IQ and EQ experiences. Without EQ, there’s no IQ. I can’t deny the fact that going through the standard education path is good. It trains Us to think, time management and visualise the world and sciences etc etc. However, the books didn’t teach Us about social skills nor getting to know more about our talent. Perhaps, maybe it did in certain ways…
    Double talents are not enough , you need more than that to be significant nowadays.
  • Gillian Tan wrote, “PSLE Score : 215.
    MA in Arts Administration & Cultural Policy, BA(Hons) Stage Management – First Class, Award Winning Video Programmer
    A score doesn’t determine your future, believe in your dreams.”
  • Ho Tieh Mien wrote, “PSLE Score : 94.
    Bachelor Degree in Computer Science. Formerly a IT engineer, now doing IT Audit.”
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