12 gamblers arrested at common gaming house

12 gamblers arrested at common gaming house

12 men and 2 women aged between 21 and 63, were arrested by the Singapore Police Force (SPF) on 12 October for their suspected involvement in gambling activities.

Officers from the Clementi Division arrested the suspects in a residential unit along Toh Guan Road.

SPF said that the owner and occupiers of the unit were also arrested. Cash amounting to about S$2600, an assortment of chips as well as some mobile phones were seized. Investigations against the suspects are ongoing.

The Police said that anyone convicted for the offence of being the owner/occupier and using the place as a common gaming house under Section 4(1)(a) of the Common Gaming House Act, Chapter 49, shall be liable to a fine of not less than $5,000 and not more than $50,000 and imprisonment not exceeding 3 years.

It also said that any person caught gaming in a common gaming house under Section 7 of the Common Gaming House Act, Chapter 49, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or both.

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