Source : Jangoomk Instagram user.

300 residents were evacuated from a coffee shop and wet market at Block 493, Jurong West Street 41 as a massive fire broke out early this morning (11 October).

Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) first wrote on its Facebook page at around 2.45 am saying that a fire broke out at Jurong West and it was currently battling the fire with six water jets.


Around two hours later, it wrote another post which said that the fire had been extinguished.

SCDF said that it was alerted to the raging fire at about 2.45 am and dispatched three fire engines, four red rhinos, seven support vehicles, and 4 ambulances.


SCDF pointed out that when its firefighters arrived at the scene, the wet market and coffee shop of Block 493 were completely engulfed in flames and a total of 6 water jets and one aerial monitor from a Combined Platform Ladder were immediately deployed.

The roof of the wet market collapsed due to the raging fire and the exterior side wall of a coffee shop at Block 494, which was directly facing the blaze, sustained heavy fire damage.



The fire was extinguished at 4.15 and the firefighters continued with damping down operations to prevent any potential rekindle of fire from the hot burnt surfaces.




SCDF said that one of the residents, a lady in her 60s, had difficulty in breathing while evacuating. She was conveyed to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.

Fortunately, no other injuries were reported.


One of the Instagram users, Jangoomk, recorded a video of the fire. He said that he was awakened by shouting and multiple sounds of explosions.

One of the Twitter users, Erma Othman, posted a picture of the massive fire.


Jangoomk later posted a picture of the area when the fire had been extinguished.


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