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The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) issues recall for Farmland brand canned “Tuna Chunks in Polyunsaturated Oil” which was imported from Thailand due to high levels of histamine detected in the product through the routine food safety surveillance.

AVA stated that it is working with the importer to recall the affected batch.

It also said that consumers who have purchased the product should not consume it, and consumers who have consumed the product and feel unwell, should consult their doctor or seek medical advice.

Histamine in food is a chemical that is naturally found in fish species in the Scombroid family, such as tuna, mackerel, sardines and anchovy. Scombrotoxin fish poisoning, often called “histamine poisoning”, is caused by consumption of certain species of marine fish that contain high levels of histamine.

Symptoms of histamine poisoning include tingling or burning in or around the mouth or throat; rash or hives on the upper body; drop in blood pressure; headache; dizziness; itching of the skin; nausea; vomiting; diarrhoea; asthmatic-like constriction of the air passage; heart palpitation; and respiratory distress. Symptoms usually occur within a few minutes to a few hours of consumption and last from 12 hours to a few days.

Source : AVA.
Source : AVA.
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