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Showcasing SCDF’s Mass Decontamination Vehicle (MDV) for NDP 2016



The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) shares on its Facebook page, how the Home Team Officers are readying to make this upcoming National Day Parade (NDP) another memorable and safe one for the public.

In a video release in the SCDF facebook Major Muhammad Rizal Bin Zakaria, the commander of the fire station in charge in the NDP events, said they are responsible in dealing with emergency that’s happening within the national stadium.

“Our presence have to give assurance that able to response when emergency is hot,”  he said.

For the NDP event, SCDF is going to use the new operational vehicle, the Mass Decontamination Vehicle (MDV) and it  will be one of the many SCDF emergency vehicles on standby for the National Day Parade tomorrow.

Apart from having decontamination capabilities for a large number of casualties, it can also be used to convey many people to the hospital as well as transport personnel and equipment.

Each MDV has eight compartments which could be used in the case of emergency, equipped with modern technology. It also has a corner that can be used as an ambulance bed.

Maj. Loh Jia-Tien gives a virtual tour of the vehicle in the video below.

SCDF is also setting its sights to develop an exoskeleton suit capable of allowing its wearer to be physically superior, a technology that are essentially a “wearable machines” powered by motors and servos that enhance the user’s strength and endurance.

If successful, the SCDF could be the first firefighting unit in the world to use these high-tech suits.

Exoskeleton Suit / photo:straitstimes

Exoskeleton Suit / photo:straitstimes

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