PM Lee: His visit and reception in Washington DC

PM Lee: His visit and reception in Washington DC

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is currently having an official visit to Washington DC at the invitation of President Obama from 31 July to 5 August 2016. The visit affirms the close relationship between the two countries and it concurs the 50th anniversaries of the diplomatic relations.

PM Lee landed at Dulles airport on 1 August and checked in at Blair House, the US President’s Guest House. He later went to our Embassy to have early National Day celebration with overseas Singaporeans.

One of his delegation, Rahayu Mahzam, posted a picture of him in the Embassy.

He is scheduled to meet several US cabinet members the next day to discuss on how the two countries can tighten the bonding.

PM Lee had meetings with US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker. In their meeting, they talked about the Trans-Pacific Partnership on economy, defence and trade. They also signed an MOU to promote tech partnerships between infrastructure companies.

Mr Lee had visited Arlington National Cemetery yesterday to honour the sacrifice and courage for many American Military men and women as they have helped stabilise and promote progress in our region.

The flag of the country is placed side-by-side.

PM Lee was welcomed by President Obama at an Arrival Ceremony at White House, Washington DC.

Mr Lee wrote on the official Instagram account of White House and expressed his gratitude for the state dinner invitation from President Obama  in the White House.

“We draw strength from our people, two societies built on multiculturalism and merit. In the United States, we call ourselves a ‘melting pot’ of different races, religions and creeds. In Singapore, it’s rojak—different parts united in a harmonious whole. We’re bound by the belief that no matter who you are, if you work hard and play by the rules, you can make it,” said President Obama during the Arrival Ceremony to welcome Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Mrs. Lee of Singapore for an Official Visit to the White House.

This is the first time the Prime Minister of Singapore to visit US since the last one which was done in 1985 and they were holding a joint press conference in the White House.

The White House History official instagram account posted the picture of the table setting for the state dinner between the head of the countries. It said that the look of the set up represents the blending of a harmonious relationship between the two countries and the flower arrangements showcase the beautiful flowers from Singapore and the US.

And an account of Singaporeans, Eugenency, who live in the US posted the invitation card sent to those who will be at the state dinner.

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