From 1 March 2016 onwards, police officers from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) will carry a new warrant card, according to a press release by the SPF yesterday on 29 February.
The new warrant cards showcase a new design but more importantly, the cards have enhanced security features to prevent potential cases of impersonation of a police officer. SPF personnel including National Service Police Officers (PNSFs), Operationally Ready Police National Servicemen (PNSmen) as well as the Auxiliary Police Officers (APOs) will carry this new warrant card from 1 March onwards.
The updated design of warrant cards for SPF police officers features the holographic word “POLICE” below the police officer’s photograph. Additionally, on the right of the card, a vertical row of 5 holographic police crests is present when the card is viewed from an angle.
For cards held by the Auxiliary Police Force, the design differs from cards held by SPF police officers although the holographic print remains the same.
SPF has advised the public to note the changes in warrant cards and to look out for security features such as the holographic print if approached by anyone claiming to be a police officer.
When approached by police officers, members of the public should always request for the police officer’s warrant card to verify his identity before complying with instructions.

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