Tan Boon Khai

The names of the five-men Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) were finally revealed on Friday, after the committee submitted its report to Parliament.

While little was known prior to the revelation, we can now take a look at who each of the members are.

The committee is chaired by the Secretary to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, Tan Kee Yong. The Online Citizen (TOC) featured him here: “Secretary to PM chairs Electoral Boundaries Review Committee“.

The other members are:

– Dr Cheong Koon Hean – Chief Executive Officer, Housing Development Board (HDB)

– Mr Tan Boon Khai, – Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Land Authority (SLA)

– Ms Wong Wee Kim – Chief Statistician at Singapore Statistics

– Secretary, Mr Lee Seng Lup – Head of Election Department

In this report, we take a look at Mr Tan Boon Khai, the CEO of SLA.

Mr Tan took over at the helm in SLA only on 1 May this year. This is an interesting point to note as it would be in May that the Prime Minister appointed the EBRC as well.

According to the Business Times:

Tan Boon Khai
Tan Boon Khai

Mr Tan, 41, joins SLA from CapitaLand, where he has been head of group procurement since the beginning of the year. Before that, he was regional general manager (Singapore and Malaysia) for The Ascott, a CapitaLand subsidiary.

Before joining the private sector, Mr Tan served as a Justice’s law clerk and assistant registrar of the Supreme Court, as well as District Judge in the then Subordinate Courts of Singapore.

In 2006, he was seconded to the Ministry of Health as general counsel and company secretary of Ministry of Health Holdings. His last appointment in the public service was as deputy senior state counsel/deputy public prosecutor in the Attorney-General’s Chambers of Singapore.

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【选举】反对党五年才露一次面? 余振忠反讥行动党“兼职议员”

余振忠质疑行动党议员之前几乎都是“兼职”选民代表,如何能够将选区每个层面都照顾好,“若真的都照顾好,为何现在需要挨家挨户拜票呢?”。 工人党马林百列区候选人之一余振忠,在脸书帖文,针对他听闻有执政党,批评反对党每五年才出现一次,而执政党已将每个层面都照顾得很好一事,发表看法。 他表示,他相信所有选民代表都有责任照顾自己的选区,而在有反对党参与的市镇会中,更必须全神贯注。他强调,工人党的议员几乎都是全职为选区付出的。该党的所有议员都在基层努力奋斗,很好地照顾所有范围,更保证若该党在马林百列胜出,也会延续服务精神,在市镇会、社区计划和国会中负起百分百责任。 “有行动党议员国会鲜少发言” 他指出,在2011-2015年担任非选区议员期间的纪录可以证明,他是最活跃的议员之一,“本地主流报章确实有报导这份纪录”。而在那之后,他也继续撰写政策,并协助该党的议员们。反观不少行动党后座议员,在为期四、五年的国会中,甚至不曾发言,实在应该自我检讨。 针对“消失”的言论,他认为不少行动党候选人在落选后,就真的“消失”了,有的尾随其他部长转到更容易胜出的选区、有者担任基层领袖(GRAs)、有者则进入选区某些领域工作。 帖文中,他分享了在2011年败选后,曾经执行过的人民拜访、食品分配等亲民和志愿者活动,有居民在今年的竞选活动上,还向他展示了他们的合照。 因此他反问败选的行动党候选人,是否有执行任何亲民且免费的活动。“他们是被付款才执行议员工作。他们甚至不是全职”,更挑战当选议员,可将他们的薪金和工作进行对比。