Christians to wear white for Pink Dot again

Christians to wear white for Pink Dot again

pink dot 2013LoveSingapore, a network of about 100 churches, has called on members to turn up for services over the weekend dressed in white, which will also mart the Pink Dot event at Hong Lim Park organised by the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) community in Singapore.

Network chairman and Faith Community Baptist Church senior pastor Lawrence Khong was quoted by media as saying: “It’s a powerful statement of our belief. The natural family is a universally accepted norm and a public good.”

It is believed that some Muslims might also turn up in white at mosques when Ramadan comes around next week.

Last year, LoveSingapore and some members of the Muslim faith jointly organised a Wear White campaign, purportedly in directly opposition to Pink Dot.

Lawrence Khong

At least 10,000 church followers under the LoveSingapore network wore white last year, and Mr Khong hopes to increase it to 15,000 this year.

Last year, voluntary welfare organisation Touch Family Services, of which Mr Khong was chairman, wanted to hold a “Red Dot Family Movement” event, eventually renamed “FamFest”, at the Padang, where supporters would wear red on the same day as the Pink Dot picnic on 28 June.

However, the event was eventually rejected by the Ministry of Social and Family Development.

Muslim religious teacher Noor Deros then started the Wear White campaign last year as a symbol of “purity” and to signal the community’s opposition to homosexuality.

The Wear White campaign was subsequently picked up by LoveSingapore and the message spread to its own church members.

However, Mr Noor said that Wear White was not meant to be in opposition to Pink Dot.

“It’s not a counter-reaction to Pink Dot,” he reportedly told media. “Wear White is about returning to fitrah (Arabic for natural) and this year we are focusing on educating Muslims on the concept of freedom and love according to Islam.”

Was his stand then misappropriated by LoveSingapore?

“Every human being is precious and loved by God and hence we extend our love for all,” Senior pastor Daniel Foo told media. “However, we will continue to stand firm as one to express our support for pro-family values and the preservation of our moral norms for the well-being of our society.”

In response to Wear White, a Pink Dot spokesman said, “We welcome any effort to strengthen family ties, and many of those who attend Pink Dot do so with family members who understand the need and importance of maintaining strong familial bonds.”

Adapted from media reports. Pink Dot SG will be at Hong Lim Park tomorrow, 13 June, at 5pm.

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