
The longest serving opposition Member of Parliament, Mr Chiam See Tong, and the party he leads, the Singapore People’s Party, sent their condolences to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on the demise of Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

Mr Prime Minister,

My wife and I are saddened to learn about the passing of your father, the first Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

He was a great statesman, parliamentarian and a master of public policy. He was there at the time when Singapore was swarmed with numerous problems, ranging from domestic to international issues. He was there, just as Britain needed Winston Churchill during World War II – always taking a strategic and long term view of Singapore.

No one else has shaped modern Singapore more so than Lee Kuan Yew, since he became Prime Minister in 1959. He was a man of many seasons. He will live on in history, remaining for future generations the symbol of Singapore’s success.

His absence from our 50th National Day Parade later this year will be particularly poignant to us.

May we send your family and you our very deepest condolences, during this difficult time of grief.

Secretary-General, Singapore People’s Party (SPP)
24 March 2015

The letter of condolence, appended in full below, is also available on the Singapore People’s Party website.


SPP has also issued a separate statement on the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, appended below.

Mr Chiam See Tong and the SPP are saddened to learn of the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

No one else has shaped modern Singapore more so than Lee Kuan Yew, since he became Prime Minister in 1959. He was there at the time when Singapore was swarmed with numerous problems, ranging from domestic to international issues.

While the Opposition in Singapore may have challenged some of his policies, there is no denying that he deserves all the tributes for leading Singapore to what it is today. No one can doubt the vision, commitment and drive of the man who once said that “Singapore is my concern till the end of my life”.

During this time of grief, let us also remember that he was also a father, a father-in-law and a grandfather to his family. May we send Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his family our very deepest condolences.

24 March 2015

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