Alex Au scandalised judiciary in one blog post: High Court

Alex Au scandalised judiciary in one blog post: High Court

alexauThe High Court today decided that blogger Alex Au had scandalised to judiciary in one of his blog posts, titled “377 wheels come off Supreme Court’s best laid plans”, but not in another post titled “Church sacks employee and sues government — on one ground right, on another ground wrong”, both posted in October 2013.

The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) had taken action against Mr Au, 61, indicating that the articles were not fair criticism and risked undermining public confidence in judiciary, and were baseless attacks against the authority of court.

Justice Belinda Ang found that “377 wheels come off Supreme Court’s best laid plans” had unfairly suggested that the Chief Justice had acted impartially, which she ruled risked undermining public confidence in the administration of justice in Singapore.

However, she ruled that AGC did not prove beyond reasonable doubt that Mr Au scandalised the judiciary in his other post, “Church sacks employee and sues government”.

Sentencing for Mr Au’s conviction for the first blog post will be at a later date.

Read also an earlier report by The Online Citizen on the proceedings of Mr Au’s trial.

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