69-year-old man passed away due to dengue

69-year-old man passed away due to dengue

A 69-year-old Chinese man passed away on 27 November 2014 from dengue after his condition deteriorated while hospitalised. The man was earlier admitted to Mount Alvernia Hospital on 24 November 2014.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) and the National Environment Agency (NEA) have been notified of the death of the man and expressed their condolences to the family of the patient and shared that the patient’s residence, Chuan Terrance is located in an active dengue cluster.

hotspot dengue
Dengue cases around Chuan Terrance. (Image: http://outbreak.sgcharts.com/)
NEA said that the agency has since completed inspecting all premises in the area, and detected 20 counts of mosquito breeding thus far. Operations to kill any infective adult mosquitoes and destroy any potential breeding habitats are ongoing. Additionally, thermal fogging was also carried out at the cluster area. Residents are encouraged by NEA to cooperate fully.
Landed home owners are reminded to check their roof gutters, clear blockages and place Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI) larvicide monthly. Residents are advised to also clear the drains in their gardens from blockages, and place water bearing receptacles under shelter.
MOH and NEA state that while there has been a decrease in the number of cases, there is a need to remain vigilant and continue to keep dengue cases in check as a large proportion of the population is still susceptible to dengue infection due to the lack of immunity.
MOH and NEA urge everyone to continue maintaining vigilance and prevent mosquito breeding by doing the 5-step Mozzie Wipeout.
The joint statement from the MOH and NEA added that persons infected with dengue should protect themselves from mosquito bites by applying repellent as regularly as possible, and those showing symptoms suggestive of dengue should see their General Practitioners early to be diagnosed.

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