sia cargo
Singapore Airlines (SIA) Cargo has announced that its flights will stop carrying shark’s fins from 1 August onwards.
“SIA Cargo carried out a thorough review which took into account increasing concerns around the world related to shark-finning. Following this review, SIA Cargo will no longer accept the carriage of shark’s fins, with effect from Aug 1,” said the SIA spokesperson.
Traffic, a wildlife trade monitoring network, determined Singapore was one of the top four exporters and the third-largest importer of shark fins, based on records from 2000 to 2009 while Hong Kong is the largest importer.
In late 2012, Cathay Pacific became the first airline to stop carrying shark fins. They are based in the Hong Kong, at the heart of the trade. Other airlines followed suit, such as Korean Air, Asiana, Qantas and Air New Zealand.
stop shark fin shopping
An online petition was created earlier last year to asking SIA cargo to cease the transportation of shark fins and shark-related products on all Singapore Airlines’ flights as soon as possible. The creators of the petition states that the ban on transportation of such products is essential to cut the supply chain of the shark fin trade.
On 27th June, Nicholas Ionides  Vice President Public Affairs wrote to the creators of the petition, 

Dear Dr Aw,
Please allow me to introduce myself; I head up Public Affairs here at Singapore Airlines. I understand you have written to us in the past about the carriage of shark fin on our flights.
I am following up today to let you know that SIA Cargo has been carrying out a thorough review, taking into account the increasing concerns around the world related to shark finning. With effect from 1 August it will no longer accept the carriage of shark fin.
On behalf of Singapore Airlines, I wish to thank you for your longstanding support.

At the time of publication of this article, the petition has received about 46,154 signatures.
Ms Elaine Tan, CEO of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Singapore, added: “This is a responsible move that encourages all other airlines flying into Singapore to follow suit. When airlines stop shipping shark’s fins, it directly impacts overall availability and, in turn, lowers consumption, which is a good thing.” “The WWF will keep working hard with industry to remove shark’s fin altogether,”.

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