Elaine, 8 months pregnant, in practice

By Tiffany Gwee

Elaine, 8 months pregnant, in practice
Elaine, 8 months pregnant, in practice
I conducted my interview with Elaine in the most unlikely place to actually have one – a hot yoga studio nestled comfortably in Raffles Place Shopping Centre. Elaine greeted me with a wide grin at the doorstep before leading me to her boss’ office. Instantly I could tell she did Yoga regularly – she looked extremely fit and much younger than her age. Needless to say, I was shocked to find out she is a mother of 4 lovely children.
Elaine is a part-time instructor at BYCH Hot Yoga studio and has been a writer/editor for 20 years, having written countless articles on everything from culture/food to social issues. Two years ago she did her first teacher-training course to become a certified yoga instructor, last year she did her second teacher training course and started teaching shortly after, in October.
Inspiring Yoga Journey
It was in the mid-90s that she first discovered yoga and continued practicing it for many years after that. In the beginning, her practice was more irregular and sporadic. But about 6-7 years ago, she decided to be more serious and consistent with her time on the mat.
She remembers her first hot yoga class, “I slept the best sleep I had had in years,” she laughed. Yoga was a “miracle cure” for her exhaustion that often weighed her down from having to care for her 3 children then. “Yoga became a part of my life,” she says.
Her personal health and immune system also strengthened because of her Yoga practice. “I used to get colds all the time,” she explains. “Now I hardly have to go to the clinic anymore. I also got back into shape very quickly after giving birth to my fourth child.”
Just after 4 months of teaching the ancient art, she finds herself teaching at least 10 to 12 classes each week. It is indeed “intense”, she says.
All this, along with her own regular practice, help her improve as a teacher, she says. Teaching, she adds, has given her a new level of awareness, as well as greater motivation.
“My perception of people who practice yoga broadened a lot,” she explains, “I discovered that each body is different and that bodies can do the same posture but in various ways. Through this, I get to learn more about different body types and character.”
It is also satisfying to her when she sees her students improve and keep up with their practice. “It is a two-way street,” Elaine says. “Good teachers keep students interested but the students themselves have to keep trying as well. I will continue to develop my skills as a teacher. You never stop learning.”
I also found out that one of Elaine’s daughters has also started taking an interest in Yoga as well. “Sometimes she joins me for a class,” she mentions. Her husband has tried hot yoga once, and continues to support her thoroughly in her practice and her teaching.
Practicing Yoga while Pregnant
Even while she was pregnant, Elaine continued to practice Yoga. She managed to modify her practice and did postures that did not involve front side compressions or lying on her belly. She mainly focused on side stretches, back bends, forward bends and hip opening postures.
“If you have been practicing yoga regularly before pregnancy I’d say it is safe to continue and do a pregnancy version of your practice. If you are new to yoga and want to start practicing during pregnancy then choose a very gentle form of yoga.”
However, she also stated that every body is “different” and that every pregnancy differs as well – there might be a need to consult a Yoga teacher to see what postures suit the individual most.
I also saw a photo of Elaine doing a headstand while she was 26 weeks pregnant with her fourth child.
When I asked her if her family was shocked when she did that, she told me that her husband was concerned. “But I was practicing under the supervision of an experienced yoga trainer, and I myself am fairly experienced, and we were careful and made sure it was safe.”
Balancing responsibilities
Juggling both her yoga teaching and writing career seemed tough enough but also having to care for 4 children takes some effort.
But to her, there is no secret to this.  She is just blessed with great family support, she says.
“There is no fixed division of labour in the household and my husband is very flexible,” she says. “Either one of us can cook when the other is not free and he allows me to pursue my career and also plays a part in taking care of the kids. He gives me the time and peace of mind.”
Her older children – aged 15, 12 and 8 – are “very independent”, she says.
“I am really lucky because my two girls (aged 12 and 8) are very good at taking care of their [1-year old] baby sister.”
Trusting her children
Doing the headstand, while carrying her 4th child
Doing the headstand, while carrying her 4th child
While most parents today are often afraid to let their children find their own path and fully trust them, Elaine believes it is extremely important to have faith in them.
“It is really about trusting your kids to be responsible,” she explains, “and at the same time always be monitoring their progress and be ready to step in when they require any help or discipline.”
She allows her children to “grow at their own pace” as long as they enjoy what they do.
“While I motivate them to pursue their passions, the reality of our education system means that I still need give them the support they need to function well in it. It is all about balance.”
Admiration for dream chasers
As a teacher, Elaine has definitely inspired many others to continue practicing yoga. At the same time, she admires those who dare follow their dreams and be their true selves and those who have the courage to keep working towards their goals while overcoming challenges.
““My 3rd child was young when I started practicing yoga seriously. I set my sight on the goal of becoming a yoga teacher then and that desire never left my heart.”
“I had to wait 4 to 5 years before I got the chance to train to be a teacher though,” she says. “I had to temporarily put my dream on hold because I needed to make sure my family was in a position to allow me to do this. My husband really was the one who helped me get started as a yoga teacher by giving me the support I needed to do this. Our youngest child, the 4th, is only a year old and if it were not for him being so involved in caring for her, there is no way I could do this.”
Advice for others like her
When I asked Elaine if she had any advice to give to others struggling with both career and taking care of their children, Elaine stresses that she has a very supportive family that allows her to do what she does. She also says having “hours are flexible”, helps tremendously.
“I empathise with other women,” she says. “I hope are not too hard on themselves, and they should not feel guilty for choices that they make. If possible, try not to take on too much. There are many different ways to love your family. Most importantly, have faith.”
“Life is like Yoga”
The key to her success, it seems, lies very much in the word “balance”.
She has placed a lot of emphasis on it in various aspects of her life.
“So, eventually life is like practicing Yoga right?” I asked her.
“Yes,” she replied. “Life is like yoga.”

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