F2F Policy Exchange – Healthcare

F2F Policy Exchange – Healthcare

All seats have been allocated

The Online Citizen has published a series of articles on Singapore’s healthcare system. We hope you have found our articles useful in giving you a better understanding of our 3M system (Medisave, MediShield, Medifund).

No conversation is complete, however, without an opportunity for you, our reader, to voice your views and concerns. As such, TOC will be organising a public forum on healthcare, with the intent of providing an opportunity for open discussion with policy minds on healthcare issues.

Join representatives from the National Solidarity Party, Reform Party, Singapore Democratic Party, Singapore People’s Party and Workers’ Party as they discussed ways to improve the 3M system and offer their take on healthcare. The forum will be moderated by media veteran PN Balji.


Do join us for this forum –

Date: 30 November 2013, Saturday

Time: 3pm to 5pm

Location: Hotel Rendezvous, Ballroom 1


To register for the forum, please fill in your particulars in the form below. No registration fee is required. As seats are limited, please register soon!

The following are the articles published as part of TOC’s Focus on Healthcare series:


We will be sending out emails to those who have been given seats. For those who do not receive our mails for seat confirmation, fret not as there are standing space available if you do not mind standing.

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