Calling out for Male Volunteers from AWARE for theatre production

Calling out for Male Volunteers from AWARE for theatre production

Calling Male Volunteers for Forum Theatre!

AWARE is collaborating with Drama Box to produce its very own forum theatre on violence against women in Singapore, and the NGO is on the lookout for men and boys to join their team of actors, directors, scriptwriters, content contributors and production team for this play!

“Through this interactive drama, we hope to provoke thought and discussion on the less obvious forms of violence against women. Violence isn’t always black and blue – psychological and sexual violence can be just as damaging, if not more.”

The selected volunteers will undergo an intensive Forum Theatre Workshop in April 2013, with Li Xie from Drama Box, and produce this play from scratch.

The play will be a cornerstone of We Can! – AWARE’s national campaign to end violence against women.  Between June 2013 and Dec 2014, the team will embark on a Forum Theatre Tour, taking the play to communities around Singapore, inviting people to become ‘Change Makers’ – individuals who commit to taking steps in their own lives to end violence.

“If you are passionate about gender equality and believe in theatre as a medium of social change, we want YOU to be a part of this exciting project! This call goes out to all men and boys who believe that women have the right to live lives free of violence. So what are you waiting for? Join the global movement to end violence against women.” – Aware

Fill out this application form from AWARE by 5th April 2013 if you’d like to be a part of the forum theatre project from the NGO, and they’ll be in touch with you shortly.

Visit AWARE’s website, for more details