We refer to the following statement which appeared in a Straits Times report captioned "Speculation of unhappiness within WP" published on Wednesday, 16 May 2012:

"Sources said National Solidarity Party founder and council member Tan Chee Kien may have helped Dr Poh to pick up nomination forms last week."

We also refer to the following statements which appeared in the Shin Min Daily News on Tuesday 15 May 2012 and Wednesday 16 May 2012:
15 May 2012
 According to the understanding of the newspaper, NSP founder and ex-Chairman, Mr Tan Chee Kien has been to the Elections Department to settle the Application of the Proof of political donations certificate last Friday at about 4 p.m. and is alleged to have taken the (nomination form) on behalf of Poh.
16 May 2012
According to the understanding of the newspaper, although (Poh) belongs to the Workers' Party, his (Poh's) nomination form etc has been collected by NSP founder and ex-Chairman, Mr Tan Chee Kien. 
The above statements are misleading and inaccurate. We, the National Solidarity Party and Mr Tan Chee Kien hereby confirm and clarify as follows:
1. Mr Tan Chee Kien did not help Dr Poh Lee Guan to pick up nomination forms for the Hougang By-Election.
2. Mr Tan Chee Kien and Dr Poh Lee Guan have not communicated and have nothing whatsoever to do with each other in respect of the Hougang By-Election.
2. Mr Tan Chee Kien has written to the Straits Times and the Shin Min Daily News to publish the appropriate clarification, immediately.
Hazel Poa, Secretary-General
On behalf of the Central Executive Committee
Tan Chee Kien, Member of the NSP Central Executive Committee
This article is published by The Online Citizen, 20 Maxwell Road, #09-17 Maxwell House, Singapore 069113.
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