Ravi Philemon/

Mr David Goh, brother of the secretary-general of National Solidarity party, Mr Goh Meng Seng, passed away on Thursday morning. Mr Goh was only 56 years old and had no prior major illnesses before his death from a sudden cardiac arrest.

Mr David Goh was a member of Workers’ Party since 2005.  He helped Workers’ Party in their 2006 General Election (GE) campaign. Recently he decided to help his younger brother in his campaign in Tampines GRC. The elder Mr Goh was the principal election agent for Tampines GRC.

“He led the entire machinery of our campaign in Tampines GRC”, says Mr Goh Meng Seng. “The stress of the campaign trail killed him. But I don’t want the demise of my brother to side-track NSP from our mission in this GE.  My brother’s last wish was also that the fight should go on”, he adds.

The younger Mr Goh says that he will not let this tragedy in his family affect him from leading NSP to victory in this GE. Mr Goh pays tribute to his late brother saying, “My brother is one of the many unsung heroes of democracy.”

Mr David Goh is also a friend to many at The Online Citizen.  TOC expresses our heartfelt condolences to the late Mr Goh’s family.

TOC will bring you details of Mr David Goh’s wake as soon as we have them.


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