Happy 25th Birthday, AWARE!

Photos and text by Terry Xu

The 25th AWARE Anniversary was celebrated on the 27th November with a fun fair event at the multi-purpose court near the AWARE center. Supported by its members and volunteers of the public, a wide variety of booths were present at the fun fair; food & drinks stalls, clothing, accessories, books, photo taking services and many more.

Together with the AWARE members and volunteers, were various non-profit organizations such as WINGS (Women’s Initiative for Active Aging), ACRES (Animal Concerns Research and Education Society), Action for Singapore Dogs, Paw Pledge, Girls Guide , a couple of small companies and students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic had the most number of booths taking part in this fun fair as students from the tertiary institute would be taking this participation of the fun fair as part of their projects. The atmosphere was up-kept by the lively music and the students/volunteers moving around , peddling their wares and food to the visitors of the fair.

The past and present executive committees were invited up to the centre stage halfway through the event where they had a group photo session to commemorate this special occasion.

While the fun fair was being held at the basketball court, there were presentations con-currently held in the seminar room of the AWARE center. Ladies from different aspect of society came forward and took up topics which they thought would be best to share with the AWARE members and interested public.

The night ended with an array of performances by local live bands and singers on the centre stage right at the heart of the fun fair. Marking a fun filled day for the 25th anniversary of AWARE by the joint effort of the organizing committee, members, volunteers and performers for this special event.

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