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Men, time to oppose violence against women – AWARE



Men, Join the Movement, take the Pledge: “Because I Love Her, I pledge to never condone violence against women.”

In The Because I Love Her Project, guys make their personal commitment to create a safer society for all women by making the above pledge on a video, featuring their favourite female – their mother, wife, sister, girlfriend, best friend, colleague, daughter, boss, teacher…. whoever it is that moves them to rid the world of abuse.

To not condone violence against women includes not being quiet in the face of a culture which makes jokes about rape, date rape, drunken rampages and dominating through fear and intimidation. It means not remaining silent when other men brag of their abuses. It means stepping in to help the women in their lives who need their support. It means stepping up and being an every day hero just by saying, “That’s not funny. That is NOT cool.”

The Facts:

One in 10 women in Singapore has been a victim of violence (International Violence Against Women Survey, 2010). Read that figure again. Think of ten Singaporean women you know. The figures say it’s very likely that at least one of them has experienced violence in some way.

8 per day. That’s how many Personal Protection Order applications are made by women seeking legal protection from abuse or physical threats. And for every protection order taken out, there are scores more victims who suffer in silence.

Although the majority of those committing violence against women are men, we know that most men are opposed to such abuse. The voices and protests of this non-violent majority of men need to be heard.

Take the pledge now, get it on camera and send it in to the Because I Love Her fanpage at At the end of the video, tell viewers to visit the Facebook page, to encourage everyone to make the pledge.

The Because I Love Her Project is AWARE’s contribution to the White Ribbon Campaign – a worldwide campaign by men working to end violence against women. Founded in Canada in 1991, it has since spread to over 50 countries around the world. The Because I Love Her Project was launched on November 25th, the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women.

Entries will be accepted until December 20th.

Please forward this email onto your friends and encourage the men in your life to stand up and speak out by sending their video into The Because I Love Her Project.

Follow the campaign here.

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