sg-flag-1thumbnail.jpgBy Charissa.

Once again, we are at the dawn of a new year. It is that time of the year for some reflections. 2006 has been an eventful year for Singapore and us Singaporeans.

So many things happened that I find it impossible to cover them all. Thus I would be focusing on only a few key issues; GE 2006, the rise of the new media, the inclusiveness of society. The last issue would be covered in an upcoming article.

One important question to bear in mind is, “Would the New Year would be a dawn of a new chapter in Singapore?”

ge.jpgSingapore General Elections 2006

This election was the first in many years that more than half the seats were contested and the PAP was not automatically returned to power on nomination day (1st time since 1988).

GE 2006 remained far from being a fair fighting ground; media coverage of the PAP was overtly more comprehensive, chirpy and positive, upgrading carrots costing millions of tax-payers money were still offered as incentives to vote for PAP, GRCs remained a feature of the election etc. Despite this, there were some improvements; for once, electoral boundaries were minimally changed, the mainstream media had more coverage of alternative parties etc.

This election had proved that not all Singaporeans are materialistic. This is because despite PAP’s carrots of S$180M upgrading to PP and Hougang residents, offering S$1 sharks-fin soups and abalone porridge in Potong Pasir and free breakfast every Friday in Hougang, the PAP’s share of votes dropped by 3.31% and 7% respectively in these two constituencies. In other words, there was an increase in voters of Hougang and Potong Pasir who rejected the PAP’s strategic offer of materialistic incentives. It is obvious that they need to find another way to woo voters.

I feel that many Singaporeans and the mainstream media (MSM) havewpthumbnail.jpg grossly exaggerated the rise of the opposition. Although the results for the opposition did improved drastically from GE 2001 (increase from 24.7% to 33.4%), a better comparison would be with GE 1997 where the economic circumstances were more similar. Comparing 2006 to 1997, the PAP’s percentage of total votes actually improved a little by 1.6% (from 65% to 66.6%) while the WP’s increased by 2.1% (from 14.2% to 16.3%). The WP’s improvement in share of votes increased slightly more than the PAP’s. Hence the rise of the opposition was not as dramatic as one thinks.

Despite this, there are some indications that alternative parties are on the rise. Take the WP for example. They fielded 20 candidates this time (up from 2 in 2001). Furthermore, their candidates fielded are credible; they have good qualifications and backgrounds (eg. Perry Tong is a Berkley graduate working as a management consultant, Sylvia Lim is currently a Temasek polytechnic law lecturer etc.) and are good speakers (judging from the speeches made during their rallies).

sl1.jpgIn addition, they have demonstrated strong discipline in focusing their campaign on important issues close to most Singaporeans’ hearts (eg. rising cost of living, transparency, means-testing, the “new poor”, lift upgrading being a national issue not a party issue and it should be free since it was as a result of PAP’s lack of foresight) and actually came out with suggestions and alternatives.

The WP had also presented their manifesto before the PAP and the WP’s manifesto was much more comprehensive (You can check it out yourself via their websites). One has to also applaud them for being focused and not distracted by the name-calling and “Gomez-gate” issue. All these clearly show that they are improving slowly but surely.

With the end of GE 2006, PAP was returned to power. All eyes are now on how the PAP is going to fulfill their promise of “staying together and moving ahead.” Meanwhile Singaporeans are also observing the activities and growth of alternative parties like the SDA and the WP. The excitement might have died down but the building of the road to the next election continues.
Rise of the New Media in Singapore Politics

Time magazine’s Person of the Year award goes toyoutube.jpg “You.” 2006 saw the exponential “growth and influence of user-generated content on the internet.” In particular, youtube, blogs and podcasts were used by ordinary Singaporeans to make their voices heard.

Many people termed GE 2006 as Singapore’s first internet-influenced election. This is true to a large extent. At the beginning, the government attempted to control the new media during the hustling of GE 2006 by issuing statements warning netizens against political postings.

In fact, senior minister of state Balaji Sadasivan said that anyone using the Internet to “persistently propagate, promote or circulate political issues” need to register with MDA. In addition, he emphasized that “videocasting of explicitly political content during the election period is prohibited under the Election Advertising Regulations.”

Despite the “warning,” many Singaporeans decided to take the risk and persistently aired their political opinions. According to a survey, the number of blogs covering the GE 2006 greatly increased during this period of time. Many also took videos of rallies and posted it on youtube; sgrally was at the heart of this by collating the various rally videos and posting it for people to view. Also, there was the rise of podcast; most memorable is the “Bak Chor Mee” podcast in which Mr Brown satirized the over-hyped Gomez-gate issue.

hr-2thumbnail.jpgOf course there were the many pictures which usually never saw the light in the Main Stream Media. The most memorable one has to be Yawning Bread’s picture of the Hougang Rally in which he estimated 100,000 to 120,000 people attended this rally (take a look at the picture on the left).

To a large extent, it can be argued that the rise of citizen journalism reporting on their alternative views placed tremendous pressure on the main stream media to cover more opposition news as compared to the past.

After the elections, newly elected PAP MP Miss Denise Phua made a few controversial statements during the post-mortem GE forum 06. She said, “I know that something has gone wrong when more than 85 per cent (of the traffic) writes negatively about the PAP” and added, This is something that the PAP would do well to take into account … and to manage this channel of communication.”

Her statements amused many while the word “manage” got some netizens worked up. I have said in my blog before, ”manage” is a nicer word than ”fix” but nevertheless it still implies directing or controlling someone or the use of something. In this case, it is the space on the World Wide Web for political discussions.

Not long after this, PM Lee proclaimed his government’s commitment to adapt to the new media. He stated, “We will use the new media, multimedia, podcast, broadcast: all these things which you get in the internet, or somebody sends to you by e-mail, I think our ministries, our agencies have to experiment, have to try it out.” The government’s stance on the New Media clearly took a drastic u-turn.

Subsequently, some PAP MPs started testing the waters in the blogosphere. If you cannot beat them, join them. This could have been the motivation behind the PAP joining in the blogging phenomenon after they realized that it might be impossible to restrict Singaporeans from participating in politics via their blogs, forums, podcast and videocast.

gythumbnail.jpgMr George Yeo started the ball rolling by guest blogging at Ephriam’s blog. Then on the 3rd October 06, 12 post-65 PAP MPs started blogging at It is heartening to see the ruling party engaging the New Media and hopefully they will continue to do so.

The alternative parties also seize the opportunity to engage with Singaporeans using the New Media. Both the SPP and NSP revamped their party’s websites and updated more frequently. Similarly, WP is slowly changing some aspects of their website. Some of WP members have also created personal blogs this year; such as Mr Perry Tong who contested in East Coast GRC and Mr Yaw Shin Leong who contested in Ang Mo Kio GRC.

In response to the “encroachment” of the ruling party in the New Media, Lynn Lee of the Straits Times wrote (in the 30th December 2006 issue on page S6), “rather than gripe, perhaps the Net community can do more to make their occupied turf count for more.” This is quite strange for if one explores the New Media and has been following in its developments, they would have realized that the New Media has been improving.

Political aggregators such as Intelligent Singaporean and Gahmen Watchdog was born this year and provided the vital role of organizing the political blogs. This made it easier to follow political analysis and happenings online.

In the case of Intelligent Singaporean, it has been regularly featuring insightful articles from both old and new political bloggers. Well-written political analysis could still be found at Yawning bread, Singaporegovt and Singapore Angle.

Furthermore, there has been a rise of new excellent socio-political commentators such as Singapore Patriot, Speranza Nuova, Hear Ye! Hear ye!, No Fear,Singapore, Zyberzitizen and many others! Last but not least, citizen journalism is given a more centralized space at the theonlinecitizen.

In case our main stream media does not realize, we have all been engaging them more fervently than ever.

With all these major developments in the new media, it is clear that it might play an even larger role in the next Singapore General Elections. A growing centralized platform for political discourse would ease the access of information and political analysis. This and the increase in more analytical socio-political blog posts would increase the pressure on the main stream media to become more objective and less bias in their reporting. There is currently an uneasy relationship between the two media types, but hopefully this relationship will slowly improve.

More importantly, the new media enables ordinary citizens to engage their ideas and thoughts while encouraging their readers to think more critically. As time goes by, with a more discerning population, the politics of Singapore might be taken to a higher and more mature level.


The author, Charissa, is a Singaporean undergraduate who dreams of a more humane
Singapore society


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新加坡民主党正式介绍两名新人,分别是54岁的陈威儒和35岁的张恩敏。他们自去年下半年开始已在荷兰-武吉知马集选区走动,不过民主党完整候选人布局,相信仍待明天提名日才揭晓。 民主党于昨晚(6月28日)在脸书上,上传了两人的自我介绍和政见分享的短片。陈威儒表示,他会加入民主党,因为拥有与该党同样的愿景和价值观,即建立一个繁荣、有爱心和公正的国家。 他认为,充满活力和进取的经济利益,必须和社会及其中每一份子的利益和福祉一致。而在民主社会中,作为民众的代表在议会中发言,为人民辩论,更为人民制定法律和方向。 张恩敏则表示,作为营销传播策略师,她曾经为各领域,甚至为新兴企业和非盈利组织工作。 她认为应该培养真正的渴求和才智,以进行具判断性思维和有意义的辩论,并坚定地为有需要人们和事业竞争的人民。她也热心于健康的职业生活,即全面改革我们的生活和工作方式,以便取得可持续性社会经济、创造就业机会和创新,增强职业、组织文化和个人福祉的能力。 民主党之前也曾宣布,将派党财政林文兴、中委达曼胡理和党员高梅兹出战马西岭-油池集选区。不过最终的候选人布局阵容,恐怕要等到明天提名日才揭晓。


本周日,李总理新闻秘书张俪霖,代表总理向本社总编许渊臣发函,指本社英语站在8月15日刊登的一篇评论,复述针对总理的不实指控,要求本社撤下并在三日内道歉。 对此,许渊臣在今日致函总理答复。在信中,许渊臣强调,自己始终都是问责、透明和法治的忠实信徒,并认为本地运营最久的老牌网络时政网站《网络公民》,身为总编,自己有必要说实话。 他认为有关评论文章不含诽谤性,而是根据可能对事件知情的总理家人此前发表的公开声明,也有鉴于涉及公共利益问题,为了能避免造成疑虑,只能重新复述总理弟妹曾说过的话。 张俪霖在信函中也指出,上述评论对李显龙作出的虚假指控,包括已故李光耀在2013年,得知欧思礼路38号故居未被列为古迹后,不再把李总理列为遗嘱执行人和受托人中。这些指控是李显龙妹妹李玮玲提及的。 张俪霖澄清,实则李光耀自2011年以后,都不再把总理列为执行人和受托人。李光耀曾向李总理解释,如政府有意收回故居,而弟妹对赔偿有意见,他不想让总理为难。 对此,许渊臣称,他也意识到有关内容让人对总理被移除遗嘱执行人的时间点上,可能产生误解,惟这并非他的本意,他针对此事致歉。 不过,许渊臣强调文章的用意,不是要让人引起对于这些指控在技术层面的误会,而是希望能反映更大的问题,即有关滥用权力的指控,以及已故李光耀和总理的关系情况。 “我诚挚地相信,新加坡人更关注这方面的议题,而不是您所提起的技术问题,因为也涉及已故李光耀先生的价值观。” 许渊臣表示,尽管他自己也担忧法律诉讼带来的代价很大,但愿意坦然面对,不仅是为了坚持自己的原则,也是维护自己对国家和新加坡同胞们的义务。 “我热爱这个国家和同胞们。我的道德义务,是协助消除掉在新加坡让言论噤声的恐惧氛围,希望能为新加坡的未来,建立一个更开放、充满活力和稳健的社会。” 故此,对于总理新闻秘书信函第八段提出的要求,即立即移除有关文章,并在本月4日(今天)前无条件作出道歉,以及承诺不在《网络公民》刊登类似的指控,许渊臣则婉拒了这些要求。 4…

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