
Tighten labour laws to protect older, vulnerable workers

Gilbert Goh I refer to the article “CDC sets up new taskforce” (Today 20 July). I applaud the Central Singapore…

An Uneven Economic Recovery

In the latest installment of the STRATFOR Insights video series, Vice-President of Strategic Intelligence Peter Zeihan provides a preview of…

Flip-flop on government’s position?

Gangasudhan I read with relative interest today of Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong’s comments that was reported in the Straits…

No need for more stimulus measures, says Lim Hng Kiang

With the situation stabilising as we see it, (another stimulus) is not on the cards at the moment. Lim Hng…

More and more jobs available, but nobody wants?

Leong Sze Hian, with contribution by Ng E Jay I refer to the report “Over 19,000 job seekers find work…

Recession over? Not so fast, says PM Lee

I believe we should not be too hasty to pronounce that the recession has bottomed or that things are getting…

Upturn the downturn – NTUC sings to lift spirits

The following is a video by Singapore News Alternative. NTUC Chief, Lim Swee Say, and union leaders singing to encourage…

More people apply but less people get help?

Leong Sze Hian I refer to the article “NTUC speeds up aid to workers” (ST, May 31). It says; “The…

Is the HDB profiteering from flat owners’ woes?

Leong Sze Hian One out of every seven HDB flat owners have problems paying their mortgage loans. This seems to…

We’re too mollycoddled

I would sometimes tell them ‘You should let the children care for you, not the state, not because this is…