Book Depository to close its doors on 26 April 2023, leaving book lovers worldwide saddened

Book Depository to close its doors on 26 April 2023, leaving book lovers worldwide saddened

Book Depository, the popular online bookstore known for its extensive collection of over 20 million books and free worldwide delivery, has announced that it will be closing its doors on 26 April 2023.

Customers will be able to place orders until midday (12pm BST) on the closing date, and Book Depository will continue to deliver purchases and provide support for any order issues until 23 June 2023.

Founded in 2004 by Stuart Felton and Andrew Crawford, a former Amazon employee, Book Depository gained popularity for its unique mantra of “selling ‘less of more’ rather than ‘more of less’,” offering a wide variety of genres and topics instead of focusing solely on bestsellers.

The company was acquired by Amazon on 4 July 2011, and had been operating as a rival to Amazon until its recent announcement of closure.

According to the British media Guardian, the decision to close Book Depository comes after Amazon announced its plans to “eliminate” a number of positions across its Devices and Books businesses.

An email sent out to vendors and publishing partners explained that Book Depository will be closing, and the website will be discontinued.

Andy Chart, head of vendor management, wrote, “Over the coming weeks we will complete a winding down of the business, including discontinuing our listings as a marketplace seller and closing our website.”

Book Depository’s closure saddened book lovers around the world

The news of Book Depository’s closure has saddened book lovers around the world who have enjoyed the convenience of its vast collection and free worldwide delivery.

Netizens from around the world shared their sadness and appreciation for Book Depository’s service.

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