POCARI SWEAT partners with SMAS to provide education on sports-related topics like proper hydration

POCARI SWEAT partners with SMAS to provide education on sports-related topics like proper hydration

POCARI SWEAT, the isotonic beverage developed by Japan’s Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (OPC), announced a partnership with Sports Medicine Association Singapore (SMAS) during SMAS’ Sports Medicine Series virtual seminar on Saturday (29 May).

This collaboration marks POCARI SWEAT as SMAS’ first-ever ‘Official Hydration Partner‘.

Under the partnership, POCARI SWEAT and SMAS will work together to educate sports professionals and members of the public by disseminating accurate information on sports-related topics, such as proper hydration, throughout 2021 and 2022.

During the Sports Medicine Series virtual seminar, speaker Derrick Ong, Principal Dietitian at Eat Right Nutrition Consultancy, explained that “electrolytes are minerals that are lost in sweat and need to be replaced as exercise progresses”.

“How much to replace is dependent on several factors including individual sweat rate, amount of sodium in one’s sweat, and environmental conditions. Generally, it is recommended to hydrate with isotonic drinks like POCARI SWEAT after at least 1 hour of moderate to high-intensity physical activity,” he elaborated.

“POCARI SWEAT’s electrolyte concentration resembles the natural fluid balance in the human body, which can help replenish lost water and electrolytes that the body needs after exercise.”

POCARI SWEAT products to aid rehydration after exercise (Source: POCARI SWEAT)


POCARI SWEAT and SMAS committed to support the sporting community

SMAS is the registered society for sports medicine and sports science professionals in Singapore.

Its characteristic multi-disciplinary membership comprises doctors, physiotherapists, podiatrists, sports nutritionists and dieticians, exercise physiologists, sports scientists, and sports psychologists – all integrated into one community.

SMAS aims to promote sports medicine and sports science knowledge to the sporting community in Singapore and beyond.

Meanwhile, POCARI SWEAT – underpinned by the corporate philosophy of improving the quality of health worldwide – has continued to support high-performance athletes as an official hydration partner at the 2018 Asian Games and 2019 SEA Games.

It has also partnered with local athletes, including Soh Rui Yong, and continues to support the Singapore Athletics Association since 2019.

In partnership with SMAS, POCARI SWEAT hopes to educate on appropriate hydration techniques and share their sports know-how with not only high-performance athletes, but also recreational sports participants, so that everyone can make better-informed choices.

POCARI SWEAT and SMAS to organise educational events with health professionals

POCARI SWEAT and SMAS share the belief that it is vital to deliver evidence-based advice to both competitive athletes and sports enthusiasts alike.

Hence, they will jointly organise educational events with sports science and sports medicine professionals to shed light on interesting sports-related subjects.

These seminars aim to appeal not only to the sports science and sports medicine community, but also to the general population.

POCARI SWEAT and SMAS signing ceremony during the SMAS Sports Medicine Series Virtual Seminar on 29 May 2021 (Source: POCARI SWEAT)

“At POCARI SWEAT, we make sure that our products are constantly tested, up to date with the latest scientific findings and most of all, effective for all our consumers. We believe in creating an impact that will help build a long-lasting benefit to the health of a community,” said Joshua Lee, Country Manager for Singapore at POCARI SWEAT.

“As such, we are proud to partner with SMAS to provide insightful information on proper hydration and a spectrum of other sports science topics to encourage a healthy lifestyle,” he remarked.

SMAS President Dr Dinesh Sirisena added, “As a professional sports medicine and sports science association, we believe that POCARI SWEAT rehydrates suitably after exercise, especially in hot climates like Singapore. We are excited to work with POCARI SWEAT to share sports science research and educate the general public about the benefits of sports and exercise.”

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