A migrant worker came to the rescue of a child standing on the window ledge of a HDB flat in Hougang on Sunday morning (3 Jan).

In a video that has been circulating on social media, a young boy can be seen standing on the ledge outside the window of a flat, grabbing onto the laundry poles as a migrant worker approaches him in a boom lift.

After carefully navigating the boom lift towards the child, the worker gently carries him off the ledge and onto the boom lift.

Cheers and applauses can be heard from onlookers at the scene following the heroic event.

Watch the dramatic scene here:

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said on Monday (4 Jan) that it received a call for assistance at Block 243 Hougang Street 22 at about 7.50am on Sunday morning.

“A child who was standing outside the window of a third floor unit was rescued by a worker in a boom lift before SCDF’s arrival,” it stated, as cited by Channel NewsAsia (CNA).

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