A fire broke out at a popular Chinese restaurant in Boon Keng on Monday evening (23 Nov).

The Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF) said that it was alerted to a fire at Ban Heng restaurant at around 5.10pm. The restaurant is located on the ground floor of Block 22 Boon Keng Road.

According to the SCDF, the fire was linked to the kitchen exhaust duct.

About 20 people were evacuated before SCDF officers arrived at the scene to extinguish the fire.

No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Interestingly, just two years back, this particular restaurant branch had a similar incident involving a fire that was also linked to an exhaust duct.

Ban Heng restaurant, known for its traditional Teochew and Cantonese cuisine, has four other branches islandwide.

Footage of yesterday’s blaze – taken from nearby the scene – has been circulating on social media.

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