MOH confirms 51 new cases of COVID-19 infection; Total tally at 56,404

MOH confirms 51 new cases of COVID-19 infection; Total tally at 56,404

As of Monday noon (24 Aug), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed an additional 51 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.

This brings the total number of infection cases to 56,404.

There is one case in the community, who is a Singaporean.

In addition, there are seven imported cases, all of whom had all been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore.

Of the new cases, 88% are imported or linked to known cases/ clusters, while the rest are pending contact tracing.

MOH stated that it has completed its screening and testing of all individuals who had visited Jewel Music Box KTV at HomeTeamNS Khatib on 1 August and 2 August.

The KTV was not operational during the visits and there were no singing activities held. This is a precautionary measure following the detection of 3 cases (Cases 55169, 55469 and 55712) who had visited the KTV during the affected dates, even though the risk of infection for visitors is assessed to be low. In all, 322 individuals were tested, and all the results have come back negative.

One new cluster identified

  1. One of the newly confirmed cases is linked to five previous cases to form a new cluster at Tuas View Dormitory (70 Tuas South Avenue 1).

Update on condition of confirmed cases

423 more cases of COVID-19 infection have been discharged from hospitals or community isolation facilities. In all, 54,587 have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from hospitals or community care facilities.

There are currently 84 confirmed cases who are still in the hospital. Of these, most are stable or improving, and none is in the intensive care unit. 1,706 are isolated and cared for at community facilities. These are those who have mild symptoms or are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19.

27 have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection.

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