SPP’s Jose Raymond calls for immediate action to deal with indiscriminate parking and honking issues facing by residents of Block 7 at Joo Seng Green

SPP’s Jose Raymond calls for immediate action to deal with indiscriminate parking and honking issues facing by residents of Block 7 at Joo Seng Green

Singapore People’s Party (SPP) chairman Jose Raymond took to his Facebook on Wednesday (15 July) to reveal that the residents of Block 7 at Joo Seng Green faced the issue of indiscriminate parking and honking below their block of flats over the years.

Given that their apartment block is directly beside Prime Supermmarket, the supermarket’s parking lots for the delivery trucks to unload the goods have posed the issue of parking and honking between the driver and delivery drivers, said Mr Raymond.

“On many occasions, there are drivers who may park at these parking lots, and delivery drivers who are attempting to make deliveries will end up honking for long periods to get the attention of these drivers, to have them remove their vehicles or drivers who park their vehicles at these lots end up honking if they are blocked and are trying to exit their lots.”

Noting that the residents have provided feedback to the parking enforcement hotline repeatedly, Mr Raymond however noted, “it appears that these have been futile and fruitless.”

He said that the residents have had to endure the noise resulted from honking over the years, noting the residents are hoping for the authorities to take action.

The SPP’s chairman had also sought for the intervention of HDB while requesting them for the further actions.

a. CCTV cameras at the area to prevent any further indiscriminate parking

b. Signboards to remind drivers not to park their cars or vehicles unless they are making deliveries.

c. Signboards reminding drivers NOT TO honk

d. Possibility of removing the two carpark lots from the area so that no cars or delivery trucks can park or wait.

e. Engagement sessions between the residents and Prime Supermarket so that their views can be heard, so that the management of Prime Supermarket can also inform their suppliers not to cause a disturbance to the residents of Block 7.

Before ending his post, Mr Raymond also urged the authorities to take immediate action on this matter.

“Residents of Block 7, Joo Seng Green need action to be taken immediately.”


Following this, under the comment section of the post, the said Prime Supermarket has also responded regarding this issue, saying that they are taking action and have informed their suppliers to be aware on it.

A netizen, Felicia Cai, who believed to be the resident, also complained that they even have to deal with the honking noise at midnight and early morning due to the loading and unloading goods at Prime Supermarket.

Not only the delivery drivers from Prime Supermarket, the netizen Ikiro Ong also pointed out that the patrons eating and shopping at the supermarket will also parked illegally although there is a multi level carpark nearby.

While appreciating Mr Raymond’s effort in dealing with the residents’ problem, a handful of netizens said that the Potong Pasir SMC MP-elect, Sitoh Yih Pin from People’s Action Party is “still sleeping on his job”, seemingly hinting that the MP has not done his job to serve the residents.

Harry Chew wrote, “You start work already and you are not paid, the one getting paid is still sleeping”.

During the last Friday’s GE, PAP incumbent Sitoh Yih Pin has retained the Potong Pasir SMC seat with 60.69 percent of the votes, beating SPP’s Jose Raymond who garnered 39.31 percent of the votes.

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