PSP is a serious, credible and constructive party, says Dr Tan Cheng Bock as he urged Singaporeans to vote fearlessly

PSP is a serious, credible and constructive party, says Dr Tan Cheng Bock as he urged Singaporeans to vote fearlessly

In his final political message for Progress Singapore Party’s (PSP) GE2020 campaign, secretary general Dr Tan Cheng Bock urged voted to “pay close attention and reflect” on his Final Political Broadcast speech before casting their votes, emphasising the party’s message for people to “vote fearlessly”.

Dr Tan—who is contesting in West Coast GRC—said, “Over the past 10 days, you have seen the PSP campaigning with integrity and without mud-slinging. Our candidates have shown tremendous restraint despite very personal attacks against them. You have heard our policies and know that the PSP is a serious, credible and constructive party.”

“The reception we received on our walkabouts and online has been amazing. You are ready to vote. The right to vote is very important. It is your turn to speak. To shape government.”

“In 2017, your chance to vote was taken away from you. But now you can vote.”

Dr Tan highlighted that Thursday is Cooling Off Day while Friday is Polling day, adding that no one is allowed to publish any more election campaigning messages. The exception, of course, is the final party political broadcast on Thursday, which Dr Tan described as his “most important speech to Singapore” in his political career.

He also asked voters to read about news that has been posted before Cooling Off Day including video messages.

He later said, “Do not fear that every PAP candidate will be voted out. In all likelihood, the PAP will still form the next Government.”

He added, “Do not fear that the PAP will somehow know your vote and ‘punish’ you for voting Opposition,” reassuring voters that “they cannot do that. If you are receiving grants and income-support, that cannot be taken away from you because of how you vote.”

“Also, do not fear that Singapore will collapse overnight if you have more opposition in Parliament,” said Dr Tan.

“We have strong public institutions like our Civil Service, the Judiciary, and so on. You are not voting them out. The same people will still be around to take care of Singapore.”

“So vote with peace of mind,” he concluded.

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