It is possible to be loyal Singaporeans and yet not vote for PAP, says Lee Hsien Yang, PSP’s newest member

It is possible to be loyal Singaporeans and yet not vote for PAP, says Lee Hsien Yang, PSP’s newest member

“It’s possible to be loyal Singaporeans, to be proud of what has been accomplished in the past, to recite with pride ‘We, the citizens of Singapore’, to love Singapore and yet, to not vote PAP,” said the Progress Singapore Party (PSP)’s newest member Lee Hsien Yang in a live message on Wednesday evening (24 June).

Hours after the party’s Secretary-General and founder Dr Tan Cheng Bock presented Mr Lee with a PSP membership card, Mr Lee delivered a short message to Singaporeans on the party’s official Facebook page and YouTube Channel.

Predicting the upcoming General Election (GE) to be a “watershed” moment, Mr Lee said, “There will be no LKY bonus or SG50 to help the ruling party and there are a number of live issues which are of broad concern including the CPF Scheme, HDB leases, and a presidential election widely perceived to lack legitimacy.”

He went on say that the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) – which is led by his brother and current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong – has “lost its way”.

“My sister Wei Ling shares this view too. In fact, she said so in a Facebook post in August 2016 before Oxley-gate,” added Mr Lee.

“The current government is distinctly different from when LKY (Lee Kuan Yew) was PM and subsequently MM (minister mentor),” stated Mr Lee, whose father is Singapore’s founding Prime Minister – the late Lee Kuan Yew.

He concluded his short message by urging the public to contribute to the PSP’s cause in next month’s GE.

“We can contribute in many different ways. We can volunteer to help with the myriad of tasks that the party needs to deal with to contest the GE. We can help to spread the word, persuade our friends and family that the PSP is a serious party that deserves their support. And last but not least, we can give generously to help ensure PSP has adequate financial resources to mount a serious challenge.

“Together, our strong support of the PSP can make a better future for Singapore,” Mr Lee remarked.

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