Three women have been filmed fighting at an Australian supermarket over a pack of toilet paper.

The bizarre altercation, which transpired on Saturday morning (7 March) at the Chullora Woolworths in western Sydney, was filmed by an onlooker, in a video that has since gone viral online.

The footage shows three women engaging in a catfight-like scuffle along the aisle.

Two women, a mother and daughter, can be seen defending their stockpile of toilet paper – that seemingly filled a trolley to the brim – from a third woman who made an attempt to take one of the precious pack from the trolley.

When reaching for a compromise failed – along with reasoning altogether – the trio resorted to punching and hair-pulling with plenty of screaming and cussing in between.

“Are you joking… are you f***ing joking?!” the woman screamed at the mother at one point.

Meanwhile, onlookers can be heard calling for the fight to stop.

After the fight deescalated, the woman who wanted a pack of toilet paper cried out, “I just want one pack!”

Subsequently, a Woolworths employee in a red-checkered shirt – most likely the store manager – stepped forward to properly put an end to the altercation and ease the tension.

“I need everyone to back off right now,” he said. “You need to get off this trolley now.”

He then proceeded to call the police.

Watch the video here:


The police confirmed to Yahoo News Australia that officers were called to the supermarket shortly after 7am this morning.

“Officers from Bankstown Area Command attended a Chulorra supermarket after reports of a 49-year-old woman had been assaulted,” a police spokesperson said.

According to, no arrests have been made. Further investigations are ongoing, with the police appealing for public assistance to identify the other women involved.

Woolworths has spoken out to condemn the fighting, as reported by Newshub.

“We will not tolerate violence of any kind from our customers in our stores and we are working with police who are investigating the matter,” the company said.

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