On 20 February, Singapore-based legal tech startup WillCraft announced the launch of its online lasting power of attorneys (LPA) drafting service in addition to its offering of online wills, and both online drafting services are available in Mandarin.

Founded by former private wealth lawyer Alvin T’ng, WillCraft is the first online will drafting platform in Singapore. Since its inception in late October 2018, WillCraft has seen more than 11,000 visitors to its website.

The online LPA drafting service is in line with WillCraft’s commitment to making legal services more accessible to consumers in Singapore by leveraging on its state-of-the-art document automation and assembly technology to lower legal costs as well as to deliver affordable legal solutions.

Customers may draft their LPA online with packages starting from just S$39. There will be an additional S$49 for legal fees payable to the certifying lawyer if the review and certification is in English, and S$59 if the review and certification is in Mandarin.

The application fee waiver for LPA (Form 1) announced by the Office of the Public Guardian will apply to all LPA (Form 1) that is drafted on WillCraft’s online platform. The application fee without the waiver is currently at S$75 for Singaporeans, S$100 for Singapore Permanent Residents, and S$250 for foreigners.

Aside from the convenience gained from the use of an online service, WillCraft’s online LPA drafting service is estimated to be able to save the consumer up to S$300 in fees in comparison to engaging a lawyer directly.

WillCraft’s online will drafting service will still be in operation and there will be no change of prices – packages start at S$49, and users may still choose to engage a lawyer to witness and review their will for a flat fee of S$79. If the process is done in Mandarin, the witnessing and review will cost S$89.

According to WillCraft, both the online LPA drafting service and the will drafting service is supported by two local law firms, Legal Inc Law Corporation and Robert Wang and Woo LLP.

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