Breast Cancer Foundation unveils new 'Breast Self-Examination Nursery Reminder' campaign and creates new record in the Singapore Book of Records at Pink Ribbon Walk 2019

Breast Cancer Foundation unveils new 'Breast Self-Examination Nursery Reminder' campaign and creates new record in the Singapore Book of Records at Pink Ribbon Walk 2019

The Breast Cancer Foundation (BCF) kick-started the annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) with a nation-wide launch of a new audio-visual breast self-examination campaign entitled ‘Molly Monkey Sings and Saves’ at the Pink Ribbon Walk 2019 last Saturday (5 Oct).
The BCF also made its mark in the Singapore Book of Records for the largest display of paper Camellias at the Walk, with 5,000 Camellia flowers folded to represent the number of women in Singapore lost to breast cancer since the Pink Ribbon Walk started.
“As women, we tend to put the needs of others above ours. Through the nursery reminder campaign and our other initiatives this year, we hope to drive home the message that in order to take care of your children and your loved ones, it’s important for you to take care of yourself and your health first,” said Mrs Noor Quek, President of the BCF.

BCF Paddlers in Pink – Joined by Minister for Education Ong Ye Kung & BCF President Mrs Noor Quek (Image: BCF)
‘Molly Monkey Sings And Saves’ Nursery Reminder Campaign
Enlisting the help of kids, BCF partnered with creative agency DDB Group Singapore and Bridgestone Asia Pacific to launch the ‘Breast Self-Examination Nursery Reminder’ campaign to promote early breast cancer detection, while encouraging women to take charge of their health through regular breast self-checks.
The campaign was initiated in response to the results of a survey by the BCF which stated although 90% of Singaporeans regard regular breast checks to be important, and consider breast cancer to be dangerous, only 45% of women perform breast checks regularly.
The nursery reminder, sung to the familiar tune of “Wheels on the Bus”, contains phrases like “up and down” and “round and round”, as to illustrate the patterns of a breast self-examination. The main objective is to break down the steps of a breast self- examination so they can be easily remembered while serving as a unique reminder for women to make it a lifelong habit.
“‘Molly Monkey Sings and Saves’ is not just a fun nursery rhyme. It’s essentially a mnemonic that could save your life. Each time you hear the tune, we want it to remind you to do your self-examination,” commented Mr David Fond, General Manager of the BCF.
BCF ‘Molly Monkey Sings and Saves’ Nursery Reminder Campaign – Performance by MindChamps PreSchool 6 (Image: BCF)
BCF ‘Molly Monkey Sings and Saves’ Nursery Reminder Campaign – Performance by MindChamps PreSchool 7 (Image BCF)
‘Molly Monkey Sings and Saves’ debuted at the Pink Ribbon Walk 2019, performed by talents from MindChamps PreSchool. It is available in the form of a sing-along music video and an illustrated storybook as part of fundraising and outreach efforts.
Head down to the BCF office to get a copy of the illustrated storybook with a $5 donation.
‘Molly Monkey Sings and Saves’ Breast Self-Check illustrated storybook (Image: BCF)
Pink Ribbon Walk 2019
Returning for the 12th year, the Pink Ribbon Walk 2019 is the largest event in Singapore dedicated to raising awareness on breast cancer and supporting those whose lives are affected by breast cancer.
This year’s theme, “Shared Courage – Stronger Together, We Overcome” serves as a reminder for the community at large to walk in unity and stand together in solidarity with women afflicted with breast cancer and those who have passed on due to breast cancer.
Participants were encouraged to turn up in pink, with the best dressed participants of the evening crowned ‘Best Dressed Male’, ‘Best Dressed Female’, ‘Best Dressed Group’, and ‘Largest Pink Contingent’.
Participants at the Pink Ribbon Walk 2019 (Image: BCF)
Not forgetting, the BCF made its mark in the Singapore Book of Record for the largest number of paper Camellias displayed.
Singapore Book of Records presenting Singapore Book of Records Feat certificate to Mrs Noor Quek (Image: BCF)
The BCF has been recruiting volunteers over the past four months to fold 5,000 Camellia flowers, all of which were handed out to the participants at the Pink Ribbon Walk.
The 5,000 Camellias represent the number of women in Singapore lost to breast cancer since the dawn of Pink Ribbon Walk.
Volunteers Giving Flowers to Participants at the Pink Ribbon Walk 2019 (Image: BCF)
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