Joseph Nathan: The absurdities of the 4G politicians just got more absurd

Joseph Nathan: The absurdities of the 4G politicians just got more absurd

by Joseph Nathan
It is indeed disheartening to be seeing how the economic downturn is already affecting many of our SMEs & entrepreneurs. Yet the 4G politicians are looking to be more interested in projecting the reverse, with some even having the audacity to be articulating such dismal performance as if they are achievement. I no longer am able to differentiate between their jokes and absurdities.
Trade & Industry Minister started the ball rolling when he tried to rationalize that “SG managed to place itself higher than others due to its strengthens like stable political environment with competent and united leadership”. Really?
Competency and leadership are precisely the attributes that are lacking in the 4G politicians. Is he confused, lost or suffering from some form of mental dysfunctions? Real leaders don’t stay in denial but are able to accept harsh criticisms, admit their mistakes and show resolve in making good by their response, not more rhetoric. I rest my case.
Just today, we have Manpower Minister asking accountants to be socially responsible and help our local businesses fight cybercrime. The last I remember, we have invested lavishly in Smart Nation and by now, our government ought to have much resources and competency in fighting cybercrime. Why aren’t the experts in Smart Nation taking the lead to fight cybercrime?
Many accountants in SMEs are struggling to survive as unlike the 4G Ministers, they don’t earn millions. Are training and sufficient incentives in place to support them or is she advocating that accountants help to do social good for free while the 4G politicians continue to do social good for millions? Where is the logic in her proposition?
Just days ago, we have another Malay MP asking employers to give Muslim men a 2 hours time off on Friday for their prayer. Netizens rightfully rebutted him and question why aren’t him raising this issue in parliament instead. If he is indeed sincere and feel passionate for the cause, then our government ought to take the lead with our Muslim civil servants, resolve any pertaining issues before seeking the support of the private sector. Why is the 4G politician doing it the other way round? Isn’t there a Muslim Affair Minister who is supposed to be looking into such issue?
Now we have Indranee Rajah, Minister in the PMO trying to clarify that “meritocracy is not to be blame for the issues of inequality and social mobility facing Singapore”. So it is official that inequality is an issue in SG.
When she tried to defend the concept of meritocracy, she rightly stated that we should not abolish the principle of choosing the person best able and best equipped to do the job. If she is indeed sincere about preaching the concept of meritocracy, as she has rightly defended, can she then explain why we have so many incompetent 4G politicians in parliament today?
Defend for all they may want but at least have the decency to be factual and explain why so many mediocre politicians, not fit even for our SMEs, could be elected into parliament and make a joke of our public system. Where is meritocracy? Where is equality? How many Singaporeans can still recite our National Pledge with pride these days without lamentation of the current state of our public affairs?
Please have the decency, be patriotic and stop sending these 4G clowns into parliament because Singaporeans clearly deserve better.
This was first published on Joseph Nathan’s – Hard Truths SG’s Facebook page and reproduced with permission.

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