Doctors Without Borders and WeWork hold 2nd Missing Maps Mapathon in Singapore

Doctors Without Borders and WeWork hold 2nd Missing Maps Mapathon in Singapore

For the second time, international medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and WeWork team up for a public, large-scale Mapathon as a way for people from all walks of life to directly contribute to humanitarian efforts by digitally mapping some of the world’s most vulnerable places.
Dubbed as the “Doctors Without Borders and WeWork Missing Maps Mapathon”, the event will be held on 6 July 2019 at WeWork’s Suntec Tower 5. The event is sponsored by Holmusk, a data science and digital health company.
The Mapathon will also feature a sharing session of Doctors Without Borders’ experienced, Singapore-based field worker, Dr Lim Chin Siah.
According to a press release by MSF, “Open-source mapping provides a great way for tech-savvy volunteers from all parts of the world to become directly involved in mapping for humanitarian purposes, which results in improved logistics and epidemiology, helping our medical teams save lives.”
“Maps help us save lives. I saw this myself first hand in the West Africa Ebola outbreak in 2014 when we used digital mapping to help us plan life-saving logistical support in Guinea,” said Sam Taylor, Executive Director of MSF Hong Kong.
“By engaging the larger community locally to participate in this event, this is the perfect opportunity for ordinary people to do something extraordinary – directly participate in improving the lives of those most in need through mapping, in line with our aim of further humanizing the ecosystem in Singapore,” noted Eyad Zahra, WeWork’s Head of Community and Member Experience.
Participation to the Mapathon is FREE of charge. For those who are interested to join, kindly register here.

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