Pritam Singh lays bare the reality – and it’s certainly not pretty!

Pritam Singh lays bare the reality – and it’s certainly not pretty!

Singapore’s biggest and most successful opposition party only considers itself to be a “small party.” And it targets to win a third of parliamentary seats (about 30) in the medium term, according to Workers’ Party chief Pritam Singh.

So make no bones about it – the WP only fancies itself as a “small party” that can provide checks and balances on the ruling People’s Action Party. In the best case scenario, it hopes to capture a third of parliamentary seats in the medium term – which could ostensibly stretch out to 15 to 20 years.

At the same time, Pritam also warned that the WP, with six elected seats currently, only has a “toe hold in Parliament” and “the risk of a wipe-out with no elected opposition represented by the Workers’ Party is a real one.”

So there we have it – the two extremes, with the WP potentially securing 30 seats in 15 to 20 years, or being wiped out totally with no representation at all in Parliament by possibly the next general elections.

Which of the two is the more likely outcome?

We know for a fact that the WP’s Aljunied-Hougang town councillors are embroiled in a court battle. The consequences could be dire and spell gloom ans doom for the party.

Pritam has spoken in the past about the need to “establish firmer foundations for a permanent and institutionalised opposition in Singapore.”

He seems to be less sanguine now. Perhaps he is only being realistic.

Likewise,  those who keep saying let’s kick the PAP out had better come back down to earth.

Sure, there are other opposition parties that could rise to the challenge.

But when we consider that the likelihood of the most successful opposition party being wiped out completely is more “real’ than the likelihood of it securing more seats and entrenching itself in Parliament, then we may be grasping at straws when we declare change is coming.

Or are we underestimating the resolve of Singaporeans to bring about a tsunami, the likes of which have never been seen?

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