Train delay along DTL on Saturday evening due to signaling fault

Train delay along DTL on Saturday evening due to signaling fault

The Down Town Line (DTL) experienced a disruption in its train service on Saturday evening (21 Jul), which SBS Transit said was caused by signaling fault.

At 5:41pm SBS Transit posted information on its Twitter platform about the fault and delay, asking for 10 minutes addition to travel time:

Several passengers have posted information and asked questions about the delay on DTL to SBS Transit:

But at 7:34pm SBS Transit announced that the service on DTL has returned to normal and apologized for the inconvenience:

However, either the problems were still not solved or the effect of the fault were still causing delay, minutes after the SBS Transit’s announcement that the DTL service has returned to normal, Muhammad Syafiq posted a couple of photos of an information board at Tanjong Pagar station, showing that longer traveling time was still expected between Bukit Panjang and Expo; while the expected resume time was left blank:

On TATA SMRT Facebook platform commuters also posted information on this DTL delay; Damian had mentioned an anomaly in the train destination information on his post in the afternoon:

Damian Han wrote at 3:23pm: “DTL showing wrong stations in train. (About 2 stations prior for eg. Newton station it shows botanic gardens).”

And when the faults has actually delayed the DTL train service, other information were also posted on the Facebook platform:

Eileen Corwalch at 5:24pm wrote: “Coming down from Bukit Panjang. DTL Gate alignment issue. Please wait for a short while announcement.”

Ah Yen posted a photo at 5:44pm; she wrote: “DTL signal fault. All manual drive now.”

And John Robert Lee shared a post from MRT Singapore Service Information; he wrote at 5:52pm: “Signal failure along DTL causing service delays to the whole line.”


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