Lim Tean: Duty of every Singaporean to stand up and speak up for Singapore

Lim Tean: Duty of every Singaporean to stand up and speak up for Singapore

Lawyer and former National Solidarity Secretary General, Lim Tean issued a statement of his own on his Facebook post this afternoon in response to the joint statement by the two children of late Lee Kuan Yew, Dr Lee Weiling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang, commending the two for their courage for speaking up against their brother and acknowledging how difficult it must have been for them.
He asks that the people not to allow the Mainstream Media to cover up the story and statement by the two and to take up the duty to speak up for the interest of the country.
Voicing that no critic of the government should be viewed as an enemy of Singapore, Lim said that he is saddened to hear that Mr Lee Hsien Yang feels the need to leave the country because of what has happened.
“We should never allow the political climate in this country to degenerate to a level where a Singaporean feels compelled to leave his or her home land.” remarked Lim in his Facebook video.
Below is the speech by Lim Tean in full

I woke up this morning to the joint statement issued by Dr Lee Weiling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang in the early hours of the morning
It is a statement which will concern all Singaporeans. I will not go into the statement in this video but I urge all of you to read it. Do not allow the silence of the Mainstream Media to mute the significance of their voice .
On a personal note, I would like to say this to Dr lee and Mr Lee from myself and thousands of Singaporeans, you are not alone. I commend both of you for your courage and bravery in issuing the statement. I know how difficult it must have been for you to put the national interest above your personal and family interest.
And isn’t that the duty of every Singaporean to stand up and speak up for our country no matter what our different political beliefs may be.
No critic of the government is ever an enemy of Singapore
Mr Lee, I am saddened to hear that you and your family feel the need to leave the country because of what has happened. We should never allow the political climate in this country to degenerate to a level where a Singaporean feels compelled to leave his or her home land
I ask all of us to come together and stand strong for our nation.

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