Ms Tin Pei Ling goes back to work in private sector after six years as full-time MP

Ms Tin Pei Ling goes back to work in private sector after six years as full-time MP

Member of Parliament from the People’s Action Party, Ms Tin Pei Ling, 33, has decided to go back to work again after contributing her time fully for nearly six years as a full-time MP in MacPherson SMC and Marine Parade GRC.
Ms Tin wrote on her Facebook that she will start to work again in May for a Singapore enterprise, Jing King Tech Group.

She wrote, “This opportunity is an exciting one. This proudly-Singaporean enterprise is firmly positioned in the innovation and FinTech space. The bosses are also passionate Singaporeans who care deeply about Singapore and our local community.”
Headquartered in Singapore, Jing King Tech was founded in 1984 as a smart card factory from Hong Kong and has grown rapidly into the Top 10 smart cards manufacturer in the world, delivering high quality smart cards and solutions to customers around the Globe.
Ms Tin had earlier withdrawn from her job as senior associate at Ernst & Young Advisory in June 2011 after her team won the seats at the Marine Parade GRC in the General Election 2011. The move made her one of the few MPs who are not Ministers, working as a full-time MP to serve her constituents.
In 2011, she said that her ward has a large number of elderly and poorer households and she felt strongly for them. “They require and deserve more help and attention, and there is still much that can be done for them,” she said.
Though ridiculed online by netizens about surfaced videos and images of the newly introduced candidate back in 2011 and her entry into the Parliament under the coat tail of former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, Ms Tin as a full-time MP,  gradually won much of her residents respect through her dedicated work and commitment.
Subsequently in the General Election 2015, Ms Tin contested in the MacPherson SMC, proved herself to her resident and critics by winning the single seat constituency with 65.58% of total votes casted against Workers’ Party’s Bernard Chen Jiaxi and National Solidarity Party’s Cheo Chai Chen.
In her post, Ms Tin states that even with her new job, she will remain committed to MacPherson and the residents. She also noted that she have spoken with some residents about this matter and they had given her much encouragement, for which she is grateful for.
Ms Tin wrote, “My position with the company will offer job flexibility for me to fully discharge my MP responsibilities. I will continue with my weekly engagements, including MPS, block visits, and grassroots events as before. I will also continue to oversee ongoing & upcoming community projects and programmes.”
“Over the past 6 years, our volunteer team has grown, even as our systems and service processes have been strengthened. Together, my team and I will strive to serve residents in MacPherson to the best of our abilities,” Ms Tin said on her post.

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