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by SingSaver
You want great guests for a great party
Eight is the magic number for a successful sit-down get-together. It’s tempting to have all your favourite people in the same room so they can discover what they have in common other than you. But unless you’re running singles mixers — and even then — nobody wants to spend their free time making awkward small talk with a bunch of strangers around the table. Instead, pick established groups and inject some fresh blood to spice things up or, settle on a guest you can count on for a lively party, then build your guest list around her or him.
Invite, RSVP and remind — in advance
Send your invitation a month ahead and confirm your guest list three weeks in advance — too early and they will forget, and if it is too late, they might already have other engagements. Two or three days before, send a reminder (simply text to say you look forward to seeing them). This way, you still have enough time to find a filler should someone drop out at the last minute.
Let the drinks flow
Two things you do not want to run out of are drinks and ice. Make a big-batch cocktail like an easy sangria or this strawberry wine punch and have them in large pitchers around the room so guests can help themselves to refills. You can go with watermelon soju as the Koreans do — the watermelons double as giant bowls, and save you from having to find storage space for the massive drink jars or dispensers. The conversation improves when everyone is a bit more relaxed, plus no one will mind if there are minor slip-ups or delays with the food. Do have a thirst-quenching non-alcoholic punch for teetotallers and anyone taking a break from the alcohol. Switch to wine when dinner is served.
Set the stage with music and lighting
Make a party playlist and make it long enough so it does not loop too many times throughout the night. Keep the music at a volume low enough so your guests do not have to raise their voices to be heard. Go for ambient lighting by dimming the ceiling lights and placing groups of votive candles around the room — nobody looks good in harsh fluorescent light. Unscented is best, especially at the dining table. You don’t want to distract from the aroma and taste of the food.
Start with nibbles
Serve up appetising light bites. You will always have at least that one ravenous guest that you need to keep at bay while you plate up dinner, and it is always nice to have something savoury to go with the drinks. Opt for easy-to-eat options like smoked nuts, bruschetta, good olives or pâté on dainty wedges of crusty bread.
Plan to have as little to do as possible
Don’t be in an apron, running in and out of the kitchen the entire night. It makes for stilted conversation, plus your guests will be uncomfortable and feel obliged to offer help. Opt for a main course that does not require much attending to, like a slow-roast. A braise or stew that only needs to be warmed up is also an excellent choice, because it can be pre-cooked and actually tastes better after a night in the fridge. Alternatively, you can also serve up some fancy dishes ordered from restaurants and cafes that are now offering home delivery options.
Take dietary limitations into consideration
Find out beforehand if your guests have any allergies or dietary constraints. You don’t have to cater to every crazy diet out there but you do want your celiac-affected or vegan guest to have more options than just salad and wine.
Do serve dessert
It ends the evening on a sweet note and it serves as an end to the evening, whether you want to call it a night or to move on to the cosier wine-on-the-couch part of the party. Check out our wide variety of affordable party accessories and trays.

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作者-太史公孙, 原文刊登-南洋大学校友业余网站 由东南亚华人在已故陈六使为首的星马华社领袖辛辛苦苦建立起来的中国海外唯一华文大学,终于在1980年以“与新加坡大学合并为新加坡国立大学”的方式被关闭。 关闭南大(南洋大学)的部署,乃以1978年的“联合校园”为始。当年3月4日,南大理事会和新大理事会发表联合声明,宣布由本学年起,新大在武吉知马的校园,将成为新大和南大这两间大学共同课程的联合校园,让南大学生能够在讲英语环境里学习,提高英文水准。 1980年4月5日,南大理事会在和李光耀之间的一连串书信来往之后,终于发表声明,决定接受李光耀总理的建议,把新大与南大合并为“新加坡国立大学”(由南洋大学与新加坡大学组成)。 李光耀事后在多次场合谈到南大的关闭之事。最引人注目也被引述多次的是他在2000年出版的《李光耀回忆录1965-2000》。在此之前还有两次提到,一次是在1980年1月20日行动党二十五周年党庆大会上的演讲,另一次是在1980年3月29日写给南大理事会主席黄祖耀的信函。请看下列引述: 1。《李光耀回忆录1965-2000》,台北世界书局2000年,页173: “局势发展到1978年已经恶劣不堪,南大毕业的议员吁请我在他们母校水平跌至谷底乃至于最终垮掉之前插手干预。经过多年的接触,有一个人的判断是我所信赖的,他就是当时担任政务部长的庄日昆。庄日昆在处理人际关系方面很有一手,跟我又密切合作多年。包括协助我照顾选区。他使我深信,要让南大保持原状继续下去问题会更多,许多学生的事业前途将因此葬送,到时候。讲华语或方言的人定会责备政府袖手旁观,听任南大消亡。庄日昆的看法获得何家良、钱翰琮和李玉胜三位都是南大毕业的政务次长的大力支持。” 2。李光耀在1980年1月20日行动党二十五周年党庆大会上的致辞(英文): “即使在1978年当我建议把他们(南大学生)搬迁到联合校园,还有一些人持强烈的保留姿态。我之所以迁移他们是因为所有的南大毕业生国会议员要求我这么做;我在议会的南洋大学势力准备给我必要的支持。” 3。1980年3月29日李光耀致南大理事会主席黄祖耀信函(引自《南洋大学史料汇编》页556): “要摆脱这种束缚,就是只设一间大学。因此,南大出身的国会议员才建议把南大和新大合并成一间国立大学:使到相同的学位具有同等的市价”…

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