Source: W!ld Rice

Production company W!ld Rice issued a statement on the cancellation of its play ‘La Cage Aux Folles’ on Wednesday night at the Victoria Theatre.
Due to Mr Othman Wok’s Memorial Service being held at the theatre on the same day, W!ld Rice has informed its ticket purchasers about alternative ticketing arrangements. Although the service will at 6.30pm, the civic district as well as the carparks will be locked down for security, and there will be no access to Victoria Theatre. 
W!ld Rice’s Artistic Director Mr Ivan Heng wrote,
“This is a memorial for one of Singapore’s first generation of leaders, and we appreciate the significance of the occasion. We have worked with various government agencies to help make this happen.
The Company has been gearing up to the curtain rising on a full-house at 8pm. Words cannot express how much we have been looking forward our first night audience. We appreciate you for booking a ticket on faith and loyalty – before even reading reviews or hearing news on the grapevine. Many of our dearest friends have also made arrangements to travel from abroad – Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, London, Sydney, Paris – in a show of support.”
Mr Heng also mentioned that SISTIC has agreed to assist all ticket purchasers in making alternative arrangements for the show.
Here is the official statement released by the production company:

We are all deeply saddened by the passing of Mr Othman Bin Wok and wish to convey our deepest condolences to his family.
As there will be a Memorial Service on Wednesday, 19 April 2017 at the Victoria Theatre, W!ld Rice’s performance of La Cage Aux Folles on that day at 8pm will be cancelled. For those who have purchased tickets for that night’s show, W!ld Rice are offering the following alternatives:
– Customers can choose to replace their tickets from any other available show dates.
– The replacement will be of the same price category bought and subject to availability for that chosen show date.
– Customers need not pay for the difference if the value of the new tickets are higher than the original value purchased (as the price for 19 Apr Preview show are lower).
– In the event if customers are not able to make it to any of the other show dates, W!ld Rice will then offer a full refund accordingly.
Customers are requested to contact their respective booking agent to make the necessary ticket arrangement.

We will always remember Mr Othman for his many contributions to our nation and our prayers are with the wife and family of Mr Othman Wok during this time of mourning.
“You cannot just, like Kuan Yew says, go on auto-pilot…Our future generations must continue to build on things. Do not lose focus on sensitive issues such as race, language and religion.” My Paper, Monday, 14 May 2012.

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