Singapore, the country where women are more closely related to tech

Singapore, the country where women are more closely related to tech

 Examining how women are perceived around the world for the International Women’s Day
Today, “Googling” something is one of our first ways of getting information about anything and it reflects what we are interested in knowing on a particular subject: it can reveal our questions, opinions and even misconceptions on it.
CupoNation made a journey in the countries it is active in to examine how women are searched online and came down with some really interesting and unexpected results!
“Women in tech” most widely searched in Singapore
Singapore is the only country among the ones CupoNation examined where “tech” is so closely related to women. As an international study from the HR consulting firm Robert Hall found, the Singapore ecosystem has witnessed a 49% boost in the number of women in tech related jobs from 2010 to 2015, and our findings confirm this trend: this could be why “tech” is closely searched together with women, taking second place after “women in love”.
“Women in bikini” and “Women in underwear” are the most popular searches
Overall, the terms “underwear” or “bikini” are the most widely researched terms with “women in…” among the countries we examined. And oddly enough, the countries searching for those terms are all very geographically close and located in Central Europe!
Neighboring countries share similar top search results
The company also noticed that many countries that are geographically close have the tendency to look for similar things. Some examples are Singapore and Malaysia sharing two common search terms (“love” and “Islam”), Italy and Spain with also two common search terms (“English” and “motorbike”) and Germany with Austria, both searching for “lingerie” and “leadership positions”.
How are women seen overall?
So all in all, what is the verdict? Turns out that worldwide people look for women in the past (in the Vikings era, in history, in the Bible) quite a lot.
However, when looking closer at the data, people are actually searching by 71% more for terms that describe the women’s position in the current society and her place in politics, leadership positions, and of course in tech.
This reflects perfectly the International Women’s Day as it embraces the progress women have done so far, but puts the accent on the steps to be yet taken.
About the study 
All search term suggestions that we got from Google as well as all the search volumes for these terms were retrieved on February 27th, 2017. The countries investigated in the search were : Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
CupoNation is an online savings platform present in 18 countries around the world, with a mission to help online consumers save in their day to day spendings to make the most out of their budget. 

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