The Singapore court on Thursday (2 Mar) sentenced 39-year-old Joshua Robinson to four years jail for sexually assaulting two teenage girls and filming the assaults.
Channel NewsAsia (CNA) reported, Robinson pleaded guilty to nine charges: Three for sexually assaulting two 15-year-old girls, five for obscene films and one for showing an obscene film to a six-year-old girl.
He was caught in June 2015 after his second victim told her parents and made a police report against him.
Officers found and seized 5,902 X-rated films, including 321 films of child pornography while searching the MMA instructor’s apartment.
Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Nicholas Lai called Robinson a sexual predator who groomed and morally corrupted his young victims and coaxed them into having sex with him but only claimed four to five years jail for Robinson.
Many of the comments posted on CNA’s Facebook , which amounted more than 150 at the time this report was made, were vocal against the seemingly light sentence imposed upon the accused.
Faith Tan wrote,  “Why only 4 years for someone who raped 2 minors, one of them over 12 times, owning 5,902 obscene films, including 321 films of child pornography, making and possessing obscene films and one for showing an obscene film to a six-year-old girl?”
Albert Tan wrote: “The sentence is somewhere too light for this b*st*rd without canning with 4 years of imprisonment. The damaged done to the poor girls could last for a lifetime.”
Peter Utd wrote: “Deputy public prosecutor Nicholas Lai, you are a disgrace. You mean he did so many deviant acts and all together can only amount to max term of 4 to 5 years? Please lah… sure can charge him with more.”
Eunice Nge wrote, “He show a 6 year old girl sexual video while on bail! He is obviously not remorseful of his preversion acts. 4 years is too light but lets not waste our tax payers money further on feeding him on our grounds. Please send him back where he came from and ban him forever from our land.”
Sunrow Leechun wrote, “Too short as he is sick in the head. He is a repeat offender. Deport him and ban his entry to SG. Parents also need to talk to our children about being street smart and the old fashion way of not to trust strangers. At least the 6 years old girl trust her mum to tell her what happened. Bravo.”
Pierre Perrett wrote, “This sentence is an insult to justice and an embarrassment for the country. Parents should also take responsibility for lack of control over children’s internet exposure. Giving kids free access to the porn and predator-ridden web is tantamount to parental neglect, it’s like letting a child walk through a red light district alone in the middle of the night.
Jenkins Charles wrote, “Shame on your Singapore law system only 4 years why do white foreign nationals literally get away with murder.”
Yap Boon Kok wrote, “Should request the justice dept to explain why so light sentence and no caning. Our two very young Singapore citizens were raped by foreigner and the law that suppose to protect us are so lenient to a rapist. Why?”
Audrey Teo wrote, “4 years for statutory rapes? What is wrong with our jurisdictions!? I’m gutted.”
Thillai Rajan wrote, “He’ll just get a light punishment for sure! He is white n a foreigner can do whatever he wants in Singapore! As long as he maintains the economy, he’s the king right PAP?
Wan Affidz NWan Ghazali, “Bravo Singapore for the very light sentence. Only angmo got these privilege or to all FT, including PRC? Worst ‘sex offenses judicial system’ in SEA or perhaps Asia?”
Seng Boon wrote,  “My impression is that the sentence is too lenient. 2 under aged victims involved. It would be good if we could be consistent with our sentence, be it a local or foreigner.”
Cecil Tan wrote, “Nothing wrong. The system working as intended. Dun you know there a common saying in SG. There 3 set of laws here. One for the SG, one for the FT, last one for the one group who cannot be named.”
El Kun wrote, “Local = Heavy sentences. FT = Light sentences. Special = Fine only.  Welcome to it….”

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